Below is a new stored procedure that I am trying to make for building a SQL 
with the supplied parameters.

  2:CREATE PROCEDURE `Search_Code_Samples`(
  3:    IN search_words VARCHAR(300)
  4:  , IN multi_word_condition VARCHAR(3)
  5:  , IN language_id INT
  6:  , IN sample_type CHAR(1)
  9:    COMMENT 'Prepares and executes SQL to find records according to the 
data provided.'
 11:    DECLARE Base_SQL VARCHAR(1500);
 12:    DECLARE Filter_Clause VARCHAR(3000);
 13:    DECLARE Final_SQL VARCHAR(5500);
 14:    DECLARE First_Instance CHAR(1);
 15:    DECLARE len_search_words INT;
 16:    DECLARE word_idx INT;
 17:    DECLARE last_pos INT;
 18:    DECLARE word_length INT;
 19:    DECLARE new_word varchar(200);
 20:    DECLARE Search_Clause VARCHAR(1000);
 21:    DECLARE this_Word varchar(200);
 22:    DECLARE no_more_rows INT default 0;
 24:    -- First handle the list of search words
 25:    IF (multi_word_condition IS NULL OR multi_work_condition = '' OR 
multi_word_condition = ' ') THEN
 26:        SET multi_word_condition = 'AND';
 27:    END IF;
 28:    IF (sample_type IS NULL) OR (sample_type = ' ') THEN
 29:        SET sample_type = 'A';
 30:    END IF;
 31:    SET Base_SQL = 'select * from CodeSamples_View ';
 32:    SET Filter_Clause = '';
 33:    SET First_Instance = 'Y';
 34:    IF (search_words IS NOT NULL) AND (search_words <> '') AND 
(search_words <> ' ') THEN
 35:        -- Parse the list of search words by spaces
 36:        SET len_search_words = LENGTH(search_words);
 37:        SET word_idx = 1;
 38:        SET last_pos = 1;
 39:        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Temp_Word_List (Search_Word VARCHAR(200) 
 40:        WHILE (word_idx <= len_search_words) DO
 41:            IF (SUBSTRING(search_words, word_idx, 1) = ' ') THEN
 42:                SET word_length = word_idx - last_pos;
 43:                SET new_word = TRIM(SUBSTRING(search_words, last_pos, 
 44:                SET last_pos = word_idx;
 45:                IF (new_word <> '') THEN
 46:                    INSERT INTO Temp_Word_List VALUES (new_word);
 47:                END IF;
 48:            END IF;
 49:            SET word_idx = word_idx + 1;
 50:        END WHILE;
 51:        -- Put in the very last word
 52:        IF (word_idx > last_pos) THEN
 53:            SET word_length = word_idx - last_pos;
 54:            SET new_word = TRIM(SUBSTRING(search_words, last_pos, 
 55:            IF (new_word <> '') THEN
 56:                INSERT INTO Temp_Word_List VALUES (new_word);
 57:            END IF;
 58:        END IF;
 59:        -- Generate the SQL clause for the search words.
 60:        DECLARE words_list CURSOR FOR SELECT Search_Word FROM 
 61:        DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET no_more_rows = 1;
 62:        OPEN words_list;
 63:        REPEAT
 64:            FETCH words_list INTO this_Word;
 65:            IF (no_more_rows <> 1) THEN
 66:                IF (First_Instance = 'Y') THEN
 67:                    SET First_Instance = 'N';
 68:                ELSE
 69:                    SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, 
multi_word_condition, ' ');
 70:                END IF;
 71:                SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, 
'match(title,description) against(''', this_Word, ''') ');
 72:            END IF;
 73:        UNTIL (no_more_rows = 1) END REPEAT;
 74:        CLOSE words_list;
 75:        DROP TEMPORARY TABLE Temp_Word_List;
 76:    END IF;
 78:    -- Language Id
 79:    IF (language_id IS NOT NULL AND language_id > 0) THEN
 80:        IF (First_Instance = 'Y') THEN
 81:            SET First_Instance = 'N';
 82:        ELSE
 83:            SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, ' AND ');
 84:        END IF;
 85:        SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, 'language = ', 
cast(language_id as CHAR(4)), ' ');
 86:    END IF;
 88:    -- Sample type
 89:    IF (sample_type IS NOT NULL AND sample_type <> 'A' AND sample_type 
<> '' AND sample_type <> ' ') THEN
 90:        IF (First_Instance = 'Y') THEN
 91:            SET First_Instance = 'N';
 92:        ELSE
 93:            SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, ' AND ');
 94:        END IF;
 95:        SET Filter_Clause = concat(Filter_Clause, 'sample_type = ''', 
sample_type, '''');
 96:    END IF;
 98:    -- Construct the final SQL statement.
 99:    IF (Filter_Clause = '') THEN
100:        SET Final_SQL = Base_SQL;
101:    ELSE
102:        SET Final_SQL = concat(Base_SQL, 'WHERE ', Filter_Clause);
103:    END IF;
105:    -- Execute the constructed SQL Statement.
106:    PREPARE search_statement FROM Final_SQL;
107:    EXECUTE search_statement;
108:END; $$

When attempting to compile this procedure I get this error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to 
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DECLARE 
this_Word varchar(200);   DECLARE no_more_rows INT default 0;  DECLA' at 
line 59

This may indicate that there is something on or before line 59 that it does 
not like, but I cannot figure it out.  I have tried everything including 
removal of the query and replacing the temporary table with a regular table. 
Maybe another pair of eyes can help me find this syntax error.  Your help is 
greatly appreciated.


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