> Given: MySQL 4.0.12, I need to implement a pageview log with a
> resolution of 1 day.
> I propose this table:
> CREATE TABLE `pageviews` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>  `date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
>  `url` char(120) NOT NULL default '',
>  `views` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>  UNIQUE KEY `date` (`date`,`url`),
>  KEY `url` (`url`)
>) TYPE=InnoDB;>>>>>>
> So that an update will look like:
>  > UPDATE pageviews SET views=views+1 WHERE date='<DATE>' AND
> url='<ARTIST>'
> Of course I need to INSERT the record if one does not match my WHERE.
> This would be easy if I had 4.1 -- "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE",
> I think -- but I do not. 

Would the "REPLACE" method work?


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