
Your English is fine :) Your queries don't look too bad. It could be there are no good indexes. Have you tried running EXPLAIN on them? What version of MySQL are you using? You can also try profiling the queries (by hand with SHOW STATUS, or more easily with MySQL Query Profiler) to see what they are doing. I don't know what your operating system is, but if it's Linux or UNIX you can also run "vmstat -n 5" while the query runs so you can see what it is doing. (For example, it may be swapping, which is bad).

If you need help understanding EXPLAIN, please write back and include the output of SHOW CREATE TABLE for the tables, your query, and the result of EXPLAIN for the query.

[ Triadbrasil ] Filipe Tomita wrote:
Hi all,

First sorry my bad english :)

I having a problem with a large join with 10 tables with 70Gb of text data,
some joins executed by index but some others not.

I´m work with HP SERVER (Proliant NL-150) a 2 Xeon 2 Duo with 3Gb Ram and

When executed to a client with small datasets the retrive is fastest, but
when i try with a large dataset client the database down or left a 10 min to
execute a query.

This is my.cnf

port        = 3306
socket        = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

port        = 3306
socket        = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
tmp_table_size  =256M
key_buffer_size = 750M
max_allowed_packet = 10M
table_cache = 4000
sort_buffer_size = 100M
read_buffer_size = 100M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 50M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache = 8
query_cache_size = 256M
thread_concurrency = 16

server-id    = 1

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1512M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 100M

max_allowed_packet = 16M


key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M

key_buffer = 256M
sort_buffer_size = 256M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M


and that is a trouble SQL

####### SQL 1 ######
SELECT NAC.id, NAC.nome assunto, NAC.ordem
                    FROM Noticias N
                    INNER JOIN (
                        SELECT NC.noticiaId, A.id, A.nome, AC.ordem
                            FROM NoticiasClientes NC
                                INNER JOIN (AssuntosClientes AC, Assuntos A)

                                    ON (NC.clienteId = '".$clienteId."'
                                            AND NC.clienteId = AC.clienteId
                                                AND NC.assuntoId =
                                                    AND AC.assuntoId = A.id)
                    )NAC ON (N.dataInsercao = '".$clippingDate."')
######## SQL 2 #######

SELECT NT.id, NT.titulo as tituloNoticia, NC.tipo tipoNoticia, NI.id Imagem,
VI.nome AS veiculoNome, VI.id veiculoId, NC.impactoId
                                    FROM (SELECT NCL.* FROM NoticiasClientes
NCL WHERE NCL.assuntoId = '".$filter."' AND NCL.clienteId='".$clienteId."')
                                        INNER JOIN (Noticias NT, Veiculos
VI, (SELECT VCL.veiculoId, VCL.clienteId, VCL.ordem

    FROM VeiculosClientes VCL

        WHERE VCL.clienteId='".$clienteId."'

            ORDER BY VCL.ordem) VC)
                                            ON (NT.id = NC.noticiaId
                                                    AND NT.dataInsercao =
VI.tipoVeiculoIdIN (".$tiposVeiculos.")
                                                            AND VI.id =
                                            LEFT JOIN (ImagemNoticia NI)
                                            ON (NI.noticiaId = NC.noticiaId)
GROUP BY NC.noticiaId

######## SQL 3 #######

SELECT N.id, N.titulo,VCT.id veiculoId,  VCT.veiculo, VCT.tipoVeiculo,
VCT.ordemVeiculo, NAC.assuntoId, NAC.impactoId, NAC.assunto,
NAC.ordemAssunto, IMN.id as imgId
                                    FROM (Noticias N
                                        INNER JOIN ((SELECT NC.noticiaId,
I.id as impactoId, A.nome as assunto, AC.ordem as ordemAssunto, AC.assuntoId
NoticiasClientes NC
                                                            INNER JOIN
(AssuntosClientes AC, Assuntos A, Impactos I)
                                                                ON (
NC.clienteId = '".$clienteId."'
NC.clienteId = AC.clienteId
NC.assuntoId = AC.assuntoId

AND AC.assuntoId = A.id

    AND NC.impactoId = I.id)) NAC,
                                                    (SELECT V.id, V.nome as
Veiculo, VC.ordem as ordemVeiculo, TV.nome as tipoVeiculo
                                                        FROM Veiculos V
                                                            INNER JOIN
(VeiculosClientes VC, TiposVeiculos TV)
                                                                ON (
VC.clienteId = '".$clienteId."'
                                                                    AND (
TV.id IN (".$tiposVeiculos."))
V.id = VC.veiculoId

AND V.tipoVeiculoId = TV.id)) VCT)
                                            ON (N.id = NAC.noticiaId AND
N.veiculoId = VCT.id))
                                                LEFT JOIN ImagemNoticia IMN
                                                    ON (N.id = IMN.noticiaId)

N.dataInsercao= '".$clippingDate."'
                                                            GROUP BY N.id
                                                                ORDER BY
VCT.tipoVeiculo, (VCT.ordemVeiculo & VCT.id), (NAC.ordemAssunto &
NAC.assuntoId), N.id

thank´s all.

Filipe Tomita

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