Maybe I missed this in the text below, but are you trying to daisy
chain the slaves (master -> slave 1 -> slave 2) or have multiple slaves
connecting to one master?
  Is slave 1 configured with log-slave-updates?


On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 12:31 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> > Howdy,
> > 
> > I'm trying to add a second slave, slave2, running MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 
> 5 
> > to our system that currently has one master and one slave, slave1, 
> running 
> >  4.0.24, and somehow slave2 somehow ends up with too many records in 
> many 
> > of the 30 tables in the database. 
> > 
> > Steps taken:
> > 
> > 1. Stopped new records from being inserted into the master, and 
> confirmed 
> > with count(*)'s that both master and slave1 were in a static state.
> > 
> > 2. Stopped mysqld and commented out in my.cnf the master connection 
> > parameters (user, host, password, port) on slave2.
> > 
> > 3. Deleted, all mysql-bin and relay-bin files from the mysql 
> > data directory on slave2. 
> > 
> > 4. Deleted all .MYD, .MYI, and .frm files from the replication database 
> > directory on slave2. 
> > 
> > 5. rsync'd the .MYD, .MYI, .frm files from slave1 to slave2.
> - And in the meantime, slave1's data is being changed because the master 
> - is sending it replication events, no?  You need to run STOP SLAVE on 
> - slave1 before rsyncing it.  After STOP SLAVE, run SHOW SLAVE STATUS and 
> - record the output, then rsync, then START SLAVE on slave1 again.
> I don't think so. I stopped all activities on the master (step 1), and 
> slave1 
> therefore shouldn't have any changes made to it. I should have noted that 
> only
> inserts are done on the master -  no updates or deletes. 
> > 6. Restarted mysqld on slave2 (now not running as a slave).
> > 
> > 7. Confirmed that record counts were consistent across master, slave1 
> and 
> > slave2.
> > 
> > 8. Stopped mysqld on slave2, uncommented master connection parameters in 
> > my.cnf, and restarted mysqld.
> > 
> > 9. Got log file and log position parameters with 'show master status' on 
> > the master.
> - TOO LATE.  The horse has left the barn and you're closing the door 
> - behind it!  You should instead get the replication coordinates from 
> - slave1 with SHOW SLAVE STATUS during step 5.  You're cloning slave2 from 
> - slave1, so slave2 tells the truth, not the master, which has done a 
> - whole bunch of work while you were going through these steps.
> No, slave1 can't do any work except as directed by the master, which has 
> had
> all activities stopped on it. 
> > 10. Ran 'Change master to... with all fields filled in.
> > 
> > 11.  Ran 'slave start' on slave2.
> > 
> > 12. Rechecked record counts on slave2, and they were too large and out 
> of 
> > sync with slave1 and master.
> > 
> > I poked around in the data on slave2 and found a number of records had 
> > been duplicated, and that accounted for the higher record counts. 
> > 
> > After starting the application that inserts data into the master, I 
> > determined that new records are being inserted correctly into slave2.
> > 
> > Seriously out of ideas here.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > David 

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