
I'm trying to write a query which returns a single record which contains concatenated values for referencing records:

SELECT tickets.id AS id,
       CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(tags.name SEPARATOR ' ') AS CHAR) AS tags,
       CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(events.value SEPARATOR ' ') AS CHAR) AS text
FROM tickets
LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS events ON tickets.id = events.ticket_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN taggings AS taggings ON taggings.taggable_id = tickets.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN tags AS tags ON taggings.tag_id = tags.id

The problem with this query is, that it returns too many matches in the concatenated fields when more than one concatenation is used. Ie. given the data:

CREATE TABLE tickets (id integer);
CREATE TABLE events (ticket_id integer, value varchar(32));
CREATE TABLE tags (id integer, name varchar(32));
CREATE TABLE taggings (taggable_id integer, tag_id integer);

INSERT INTO events VALUES (1, 'Event A');
INSERT INTO events VALUES (1, 'Event B');
INSERT INTO events VALUES (1, 'Event C');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (1, 'Tag A');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (2, 'Tag B');

INSERT INTO taggings VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO taggings VALUES (1, 2);

The query returns duplicates:

| id | tags | text |
| 1 | Tag A Tag B Tag A Tag B Tag A Tag B | Event A Event A Event B Event B Event C Event C |

I suspect this has to do with the multiple GROUP_CONCATs as it works fine when using only a single GROUP_CONCAT:

mysql> SELECT tickets.id AS id,
-> CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(events.value SEPARATOR ' ') AS CHAR) AS text
    -> FROM tickets
    -> LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS events ON tickets.id = events.ticket_id
    -> GROUP BY id
    -> ;
| id   | text                    |
|    1 | Event A Event B Event C |

I'm tempted to solve this using a view or two, but would like to know if there's a better way.



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