Let's say that I have the following dataset after an INNER JOIN query:

UserName  | InventoryItem  | InventoryAmount
--------  | -------------  | ---------------
Joe       | Hammer         | 2
Joe       | Nails          | 7
Joe       | Screws         | 9
Bob       | Hammer         | 1
Bob       | Hand Saw       | 2
Bob       | Power Saw      | 1
Briggs    | Hammer         | 4
Briggs    | Screwdriver    | 1
Briggs    | Wrench         | 3

Is it possible to order by InventoryAmount but only when InventoryItem has a
particular value?  Say, "Hammer"?  So that after the sort, the dataset looks
like this:

UserName  | InventoryItem  | InventoryAmount
--------  | -------------  | ---------------
Bob       | Hammer         | 1
Bob       | Hand Saw       | 2
Bob       | Power Saw      | 1
Joe       | Hammer         | 2
Joe       | Nails          | 7
Joe       | Screws         | 9
Briggs    | Hammer         | 4
Briggs    | Screwdriver    | 1
Briggs    | Wrench         | 3

I know I can do this programatically after the fact while I'm processing the
dataset but I'm hoping this can be achieved at the database level.

Any information and/or advice would be appreciated!


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