Hi, I have built a site with Dreamweaver and I have a problem with a query.

I am trying to pass a parameter from one page to another to drill down. Basically, I have one product entry that is in multiple categories on my website. So, say it's a dress, it is therefore related to category 1 which is 'Girls', but it is also more specifically related to category 2 which is 'Girls Dresses'.

The way I have set this up is to have a column called MultiCategoryID that holds both the number 1 and 2 like this: /1/2/

When a user clicks a link to look at dresses, the parameter 2 is passed, but my query on the result page is wrong in some way because no records are displaying even though there is content to display. This is what I have so far:

FROM Products
WHERE MultiCategoryID LIKE '/catdrill/'

The parameter settings are:
Name: catdrill
Type: Numeric
Value: Request("MCID") MCID is the url parameter being passed
Default value: 2

Only when I test the Default value with an exact match of /1/2/ does any product display. What have I done wrong here? Is there a way to get it to recognise that I want it to pick specific numbers between the slashes rather than the whole lot? I have tried to change the slashes to full stops just in case they are causing problems, but it's still giving the same problem.



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