Thanks Ananda ,

I tried , i tried to uninstall the maybe-preinstalled mysql, but rpm tells me 
that there is no mysql installed in my system .
I listed all the rpm packages in my system . I am quite sure there is no rpm 
mysql package .
I installed the php 5.2.0, mysql 5.0.22, apache2.2.6 , myphpadmin all 
from source code . 

my myphpadmin's error message is :
"Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.22 differs from your MySQL server version 
3.23.32. This may cause unpredictable behavior."
and make me more puzzled is it displays : localhost --server version: 3.23.32 , 
 MySQl client version :5.022 . 

how could this happen ?  maybe i misconfigured the mysql source code tree ? or 
phpmyadmin's bug?   
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ananda Kumar 
  To: vc 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:13 PM
  Subject: Re: misconfigured mysql ?

  Hi Vanish,
  redhat by default installs a old version of mysql. 

  execute this command and check if two version 's of mysql are there

  rpm -qpl MySQL-server-VERSION

  On 11/20/07, vc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
    i install mysql 5.0.22 with php 5.2 on my redhat 9 installation.
    after i first lunch phpmyadmin , it says 

    "Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.22 differs from your MySQL server 
version 3.23.32."

    i am quite sure there is no mysql 3.23.32 installed in my system . anyone 
has the same kind of trouble
    and any idea to solve it ? thanks! 

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