I've been experimenting with storing image data in blob fields, and I was 
surprised that using the mysql client to select the field with a 
semi-colon query terminator resulted in the binary data being dumped to 
the terminal (with lots of beeping) while using the \G query terminator 
resulted in just a few symbols such as 

imgdata: ëPNG
(where imgdata is the field name) and no beeps. 

I'm _not_ surprised with the beeps due to trying to view the binary data, 
just the disparity in behavior when using the different terminators.

I've been searching the manual for about an hour now and can't seem to 
find a reference to this difference in behavior in the mysql client.

Nothing urgent here. Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this 
as I've always gotten the same results either way, though I'm certainly no 
expert using blob data types.



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