mysql> select idea.iid, concat(employee.first," ",employee.last),(SELECT
employee.first," ",employee.last) FROM EMPLOYEE where
employee.eid=idea.submitted_by) from ide
a,employee where idea.iid=1 and idea.completed_by=employee.eid;

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hiep Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: help with select

> hi list,
> i have two tables:
> idea(iid int not null primary_key auto_increment,
> completed_by int,
> submitted_by int);
> employee(eid int not null primary_key auto_increment,
> first varchar(20),
> last varchar(30));
> table idea data:
> 1  |  4  | 10
> 2  |  3  | 7
> table employee data:
> 3  | john  | Doe
> 4  | betty | smith
> 7  | bob   | Gomez
> 10 | sun   | mcnab
> i'm trying to select from idea table such that when iid = 1, i should get
> betty smith for completed_by column and sun mcnab for submitted_by column.
> 1st trial:
> select iid,completed_by,submitted_by from idea where iid=1
> i got:
> 1  |  4  | 10
> 2nd trial:
> select idd,concat(first," ",last),submitted_by from idea,employee where
> iid=1 and completed_by=eid;
> i got:
> 1  | betty smith | 10
> now, instead of 10 for the submitted_by column, how do i get sun mcnab?
> thanks,
> T. Hiep
> --
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