Hi , 

Someone using typo3 try to update a field "tx_templavoila.flex" into a 
table tt_content but get kicked out of typo3 without error message. The 
user tried with PHPmyadmin but got the same result.  First thought coming 
to mind is the field is too small for the data being inserted but the 
field has actualy 16000 bytes but is defined as mediumtext so there is 
plenty space left. I looked at the av_row_length but as far as i 
understand it is used to get the max size of the table. Which doesn't seem 
to be the issue right now. I wonder if there is any other obvious 
variables i should be looking at or something i'm missing in the big 

Thanks !

Éric Fournier
Technicien en informatique
Direction générale des technologies de l'information(DGTI)
Direction des services logiciels et technologiques(DSLT)
1500E, Rue Cyrille-Duquet, RC
Québec (Québec) G1N 4T6
Téléphone: (418) 644-1500 poste 2085
Télécopieur: (418) 646-0988

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