(Sorry if this is a duplicate post, email issues w/multiple accts)

I have a MacBook Leopard OS 10.5.1 2 GB RAM. I've got a good amount of
knowledge of computer systems, but haven't setup or worked with mySQL
before. (usually use it preinstalled on my hosting service). I
downloaded the package and installed it via the automated setup that
comes for the MacOS. It started fine. The MySQL Sys prefs tool shows
the status of the server as running. However, I want to now setup
Wordpress on my localhost. I need to create a database on mysql. I
opened the shell and navigate to the location of mysql. I have been
using the instructions as shown below.

$ mysql -u adminusername -p
Enter password:

This is where I'm stuck. No matter what account I use, I am unable to
login to the database. My personal account is the only account on the
machine, while it's not root, it has full admin privs, and I've tried
everything to login, including no password, my account's password,
etc. Since I've not activated root on this machine (I understand that
Apple, by default disables it), perhaps there's something I'm missing
in my lack of knowledge of the way the Mac OS uses root?

I'm sure this is a stupid newbie issue, but I'm a bit wrapped around
the axle here. Do I need to use sudo? (I've even attempted this with
no success). I've searched on a few lists to see if anyone has had
this problem, but not seen it yet.

Should I just reinstall? Am I just missing something that passed by in
install (I don't remember adding a password other than entering the
password that I use to admin the machine.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance for any help.

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