Matthew Stuart wrote:
> I have a DB that has a field in it that currently just holds single or
> double numbers - these numbers are basically a reference to a category
> in which the particular record should be displayed. However I have now
> been asked if I can make it so that a particular record can be displayed
> in more than one category.
> All I need to do is somehow ask the field to add a forward slash to the
> front and end of the data, so the data will go from this:
> 1
> 33
> 21
> 9
> 11
> to this:
> /1/
> /33/
> /21/
> /9/
> /11/
> How do I get MySQL to do this? I guess I might have to do it in two
> steps by firstly adding the slash to the front and then lastly to the
> back. But I have no idea on how to do it. My reason for doing this is so
> that I get the webpage to look for numbers that are between the slashes.
> this will enable me to have numbers like this: /1/33/9/ enabling me to
> have a record in more than one category.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mat
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actually, forgot to answer on your question:
if your table name is your_table and column with categories is named
UPDATE your_table SET categories=CONCAT('/', categories, '/');
it will update your whole table at once.


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