Hi, I'm developing a PHP/MySQL app, and I use "load data infile" to feed
data to MySQL. At the develop server I haven't any error, the app works
great, but when I upload to the production server, all the "load data
infile" statements fails with an error like this: can't stat
The funny thing is that if I connect at production server to mysql as
mysql's super user I have not problem, the app work fine, but if I use
another user, then the app fails with the "can't stat" error. I know my user
needs the File privilege so I told the mysql's admin that. First he used
phpmyadmin to create my user and set privileges, but when I told you about
the error, he use the mysql console with the command: grant all privileges
on mydatabase.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'mypasswd' with grant
But I got the same error. This is what I get if I query my mysql's user:
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                Host: localhost
                User: filasPOS
            Password: 7b47ae4b0907b267
         Select_priv: N
         Insert_priv: N
         Update_priv: N
         Delete_priv: N
         Create_priv: N
           Drop_priv: N
         Reload_priv: N
       Shutdown_priv: N
        Process_priv: N
           File_priv: N
          Grant_priv: N
     References_priv: N
          Index_priv: N
          Alter_priv: N
        Show_db_priv: N
          Super_priv: N
Create_tmp_table_priv: N
    Lock_tables_priv: N
        Execute_priv: N
     Repl_slave_priv: N
    Repl_client_priv: N
    Create_view_priv: N
      Show_view_priv: N
 Create_routine_priv: N
  Alter_routine_priv: N
    Create_user_priv: N
       max_questions: 0
         max_updates: 0
     max_connections: 0
max_user_connections: 0
*************************** 2. row ***************************
                Host: %
                User: filasPOS
            Password: 7b47ae4b0907b267
         Select_priv: Y
         Insert_priv: Y
         Update_priv: Y
         Delete_priv: Y
         Create_priv: Y
           Drop_priv: Y
         Reload_priv: N
       Shutdown_priv: N
        Process_priv: N
           File_priv: Y
          Grant_priv: N
     References_priv: N
          Index_priv: N
          Alter_priv: N
        Show_db_priv: N
          Super_priv: N
Create_tmp_table_priv: Y
    Lock_tables_priv: N
        Execute_priv: Y
     Repl_slave_priv: N
    Repl_client_priv: N
    Create_view_priv: N
      Show_view_priv: N
 Create_routine_priv: Y
  Alter_routine_priv: Y
    Create_user_priv: N
       max_questions: 0
         max_updates: 0
     max_connections: 0

any clue? thanks in advance.

Mauricio Tellez

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