Joris Kinable schrieb:
Optimize query

I've got one query, which I would like to improve a lot since it takes
very long (>24 hours) to execute. Here is the idea:
1. Take the table <ipv4_src><ipv4_dst><port_dst> (other rows in this
table are not mentioned for clearity) and remove all duplicate
tuple's. This is done by subquery 'filter'.
2. The same query is performed by the boxplot query, but this time an
aditional group by command is executed, therby calculating a User
Defined Function boxplot(row,type) which returns a double value.
3. Finally the results of the query in step 2 are used to select a
subset of results from the 'filter' table.
4. As you can see, the subquery 'pF' used in step 2 is identical to
the query 'filter'. It's an extreme waste to calculate the same table
twice. I've tried to create a temporary table from filter, but
unfortunately Mysql doesn't allow you to access a temporary table
twice in the same query. I prefer a 1 query answer, instead of
creating views, or temporary tables.

Is there a way to improve this query, therby improving the execution time?


SELECT filter.ipv4_src, filter.ipv4_dst, filter.port_dst, filter.octets FROM
        SELECT pF.ipv4_src, pF.ipv4_dst, boxplot(pF.port_dst,"LOW") AS
low,boxplot(pF.port_dst,"HIGH") AS high FROM
                SELECT ipv4_src, ipv4_dst, port_dst, octets FROM mytable WHERE
prot=6 GROUP BY ipv4_src, ipv4_dst, port_dst ORDER BY
ipv4_src,ipv4_dst,port_dst ASC
        ) pF GROUP BY pF.ipv4_src, pF.ipv4_dst HAVING COUNT(filter.port_dst)>10
) boxplot,
        SELECT ipv4_src, ipv4_dst, port_dst, octets FROM mytable WHERE prot=6
GROUP BY ipv4_src, ipv4_dst, port_dst ORDER BY
ipv4_src,ipv4_dst,port_dst ASC
) filter
WHERE filter.ipv4_src=boxplot.ipv4_src AND
filter.ipv4_dst=boxplot.ipv4_dst AND filter.port_dst>=boxplot.low AND

what you are trying to do?

and how about formating your query in a human readable way?

did you tried EXPLAIN?

what type of syntax is this: "boxplot(pF.port_dst,"LOW")" ?


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