Richard a écrit :
Hello, I'm in the process of programming a customer area with a list of subscriptions :

Reference | Title | Type | Date of first subscription | Expires

Each item in this list will have a link to it's details with will show a list like this :

Subscribed on : date of first subscription
Renewed on : date of first renewal
Renewed on : date of second renewal
Renewed on : date of third renewal
Expires on : date when expires.

At the moment I have got three mysql tables :
1) Products

Reference | Title | Type

2) Subscriptions

number(autoincrement) | reference | date_begin

3) subscriptions details

number(autoincrement) | subscription_number | length(number of months)

To get the first table I would :

List subscriptions
For each subscription get list of "lengths" which I would add together and then calculate expire date by :
Total "lengths" + date_begin

Which gives me the expire date.

However all this seems alot of queries and resources for such a small list and as I have not started the programming yet and have not created the tables either, I thought I might ask your advice to see if you think this is the best way, or if you could think of a better way of achieving the same result. Maybe there is a way to get the expire date with mysql, or maybe I should rethink my tables?

I hope that everything is clear, and thanks in advance :)

Hi I might have found a better solution.
I could have one table for the latest details and another containing the history. I would still have two tables, but only one query when a customer wishes to view his or her subscriptions and only one query when he or her views the detail. What would the best way to copy an entry from one table to another and then change the entry value ? What is the best way to do this using a minimum of queries? To copy an entry from one table to another do you have to read the value with one query and then insert the value to the other table with a second query or does mysql (5.0) have a function to copy data from one table to another.

Thanks in advance.

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