Oh. forget it. it is not free!

tks again

Peter Kok

Below is script for installing apache + php + mysql, it worked before

MySQL/PHP3/Apache Installation:
By default RedHat will have installed Apache web server on your computer. We
will need to remove it before we can
continue. If you execute this command
rpm -e apache
You will probably then get an error that reads:
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
webserver is needed by mod_perl-1.21-2
webserver is needed by php-3.0.12-6
If so, we will need to remove those packages too. Use these commands, one at
a time, to remove them, followed by removing
the Apache web server with the last command:
rpm -e mod_perl
rpm -e php
rpm -e apache
Now that we have removed those packages we need to make sure that Apache is
not running and that no httpd processes are
running. Check it out with this command:
ps ax | grep httpd
There should be no httpd processes running. If there are, kill them like
this, substituting the actual process ID number where
you see <pid>:
kill -9 <pid>
We will be placing all of the packages into the /usr/src directory. Get in
there with this command:
cd /usr/src
Now we'll need to fetch the packages we'll need. We'll start by using the
Lynx web browser to get the Apache web server
source code. Type this command at the prompt to do so:
lynx http://www.apache.org/dist/apache_1.3.9.tar.gz
You will need to hit the 'd' when prompted to download it, wait for it to
download, then hit [enter] when it asks you if you
want to save the file to disk, then hit enter when the line pops up with the
file name. You will repeat this process to get the
PHP3 source code too by entering this command:
lynx http://www.php.net/distributions/php-3.0.14.tar.gz
Now we need to uncompress and un-tar the files that we just downloaded into
/usr/src using these commands, one at a time,
will uncompress the files and you will see lots of stuff scroll up your
screen. This is normal. Execute these two commands:
tar -zxvf apache_1.3.9.tar.gz
tar -zxvf php-3.0.14.tar.gz
To make life easier we will make symbolic links to these directories with
names that are easier to remember. We'll call them
'apache' and 'php3'. Use these commands, one at a time, to create the links:

ln -s /usr/src/apache_1.3.9 apache
ln -s /usr/src/php-3.0.14 php3
I usually clean up and remove any unnecessary files, so now that the files
have been expanded into their own subdirectories
issue this command to remove the gzipped tarball files:
rm *.gz
Now we will change directories again to where we will be installing MySQL.
Use this command:
cd /usr/local
We will fetch the MySQL binary package the same way we did with Apache and
PHP3 using the Lynx web browser. Do so
with this command:

You will need to hit the 'd' when prompted to download it, wait for it to
download, then hit [enter] when it asks you if you
want to save the file to disk, then hit enter when the line pops up with the
file name.
Now we will need to uncompress and un-tar the MySQL archive we just
downloaded. The following command will
uncompress the files into their own directory and you will see lots of stuff
scroll up your screen. This is normal.
tar -zxvf mysql-3.22.30-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
While we are at it, let's make a symbolic link to this new directory with a
friendlier name, we'll call it 'mysql':
ln -s /usr/local/mysql-3.22.30-pc-linux-gnu-i686 mysql
Next we will need to set the ownership and change the group of the newly
created MySQL directories. We will give
ownership to the user 'mysql' you created earlier and change the group to
If you haven't already created a user called 'mysql' on your system, create
one now with the following command. Then give it a password with the second
adduser mysql
passwd mysql
Once you have a mysql user, proceed with assigning the ownership and group:
chown -R mysql mysql-3.22.30-pc-linux-gnu-i686 mysql
chgrp -R root mysql-3.22.30-pc-linux-gnu-i686 mysql
Now we will need to become the user 'mysql' for a bit. Change to that user
with this command:
su mysql
You will notice that your prompt has changed from a # to a $ sign. Then get
into the new mysql directory with this command:
cd mysql
We will execute the script that sets up MySQL for the first time now like
We no longer need to be the mysql user anymore. Return to the root user by
We are going to start the MySQL server up now. First we will need to make
the script that does this executable, using the first
command. Then we will actually start up MySQL with the second command:
chmod 755 /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server
/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
You will want to set a password for MySQL now. Do this by typing the
following and substituting whatever password you
want where you see <password>:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password <password>
MySQL should now be installed and running! We will now get into MySQL and
set up a test database, a table in that test
database, and throw in a record too. YAY. To begin, type the following
command and it should prompt you for a password as
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
~# Enter password:
You should now be in the MySQL database and see the following prompt:
Type the following command to create a database called "test_database", then
the second command to get into and use the
new database. Always use the ; semi-colon after any SQL statements.
USE test_db;
Now we will create a table called "test_table", and create some room for
CREATE TABLE test_table (
first_name varchar(30),
last_name varchar(30),
phone_number varchar(12));
Now we'll want to throw some data, a record, into our new table within our
new database.
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES ("John", "Doe", "602-555-1212");
You can use the SQL "SELECT" statement to locate and see data from within a
table. The * (asterisk) is a "wild card" that
will pull out all of the data. Try this:
SELECT * FROM test_table;
You should now see the record you just entered show up. Cool, eh? We're done
with MySQL for now. You can get out of it
by exiting now.
Now on to setting up PHP3 and the Apache web server. We will return to our
source directory like this:
cd /usr/src
Get into the Apache directory first:
cd apache
We will run the configuration script and specify an install directory with
the "--prefix" command because PHP3 will need to
know the location of the Apache config files to compile correctly and work
with Apache later on. I chose to install it in
/usr/local/apache out of habit. To make this tutorial easier, install yours
there too.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache
Once the Apache configuration script has run we will change to the PHP3
directory like this:
cd ../php3
You are now in the PHP3 directory. First run the configuration script using
the following command. The \ character allows
you to hit return but still enter more data without starting the script yet.

./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
--with-apache=/usr/src/apache \
If all went well with the configuration, hopefully it did, you need to start
compiling. We do this with these commands, run
one at a time. This may take some time depending on the speed of your
machine. On my AMD K6-2 400mhz with 64mb of
RAM it was fairly quick and painless.
make install
If there were no compiler errors PHP3 should be done and we will move on to
configuring and building the Apache web
server. Change directories into Apache to begin:
cd ../apache
We need to first run the configuration script. We are also configuring
Apache to load PHP3 as a loadable module. There are
cool reasons for this that we won't get into now though.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
As with PHP3 we will now need to compile and make the Apache web server. Use
these commands, one at a time:
make install
Hopefully Apache compiled with no problems. If so, we need to copy a PHP3
file with this command:
cd ../php3
cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini
Next we will make a couple of minor adjustments to the Apache configuration
file so that it knows to send any web pages
with a .php3 extension to be processed by PHP. Change directories with the
first command and get into httpd.conf with the
editor of your choice, I used the 'pico' editor for simplicity but you could
always use 'vi' or 'emacs' too. Note: The -w switch
used below keeps the lines from wrapping when editing the file.
cd /usr/local/apache/conf
pico -w httpd.conf
Now that you are in the httpd.conf file you will want to uncomment the
following lines by removing the # (pound sign) from
the front of them. You can initiate a search in 'pico' by hitting '<ctrl> w'
to easily find where these lines are located in the file:
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
You will probably want to also add 'index.php3' to the list of Index files
on this line like so:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php3
Once you've done that hit '<ctrl> x' to save the httpd.conf file. We then
want to start up Apache! Use this command to do so:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

>From: "Britt Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Peter Kok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: install apache, php + mysql on linux redhat 6.2
>Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 09:55:30 -0400
>You might want to try an integrated solution like NuSphere MySQL, I
>would uninstall everything then install the download at www.nusphere.com 
>you will end up with a fully integrated working web server, mysql, perl and
>php environment.  Please let me know if you give it a try.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Kok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 10:42 PM
>Subject: install apache, php + mysql on linux redhat 6.2
>Hi all
>I installed the following version on redhat 6.2 but failed on installing
>apache finally!
>Please teach me
>apache 1.3.19
>mysql can start:  /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
>php nothing error: when make and make install
>./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \
>--with-apache=/usr/src/apache \
>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
>The error is in 'make'
>it seems not locate mysqlclient.xxxx
>Thank you
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