Thanks for the 'help'.  Oy.

I figured it out from some help on the Lasso discussion list.

All I had to do was properly address ALL the tables I wanted to touch.

So this:

UPDATE tbe_gallery
SET tbe_gsa.gsa_paperprice = tbe_gallery.gallery_gsaprice_paper
WHERE tbe_gallery.gallery_id = tbe_images.img_rel_id AND
      tbe_images.img_orig_filename = tbe_gsa.gsa_id

Should have been This:

UPDATE tbe_gallery, tbe_gsa, tbe_images
SET tbe_gsa.gsa_paperprice = tbe_gallery.gallery_gsaprice_paper
WHERE tbe_gallery.gallery_id = tbe_images.img_rel_id AND
      tbe_images.img_orig_filename = tbe_gsa.gsa_id

And viola, it works!


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