This may take a bit of explaining!


I have a incoming table structure of 


PartRef     Attrib            Value

ABC001        1               10.00

ABC001        2               4

ABC001        3               A

ABC002        1               12.00

ABC002        2               6

ABC002        3               B


Where Attrib 1 represents Length 

Attrib 2 represents Set Qty and Attrib 3 represents Head Shape


My Query of 




GROUP_CONCAT(IF(attr_id=1, value,null)) AS Length,

GROUP_CONCAT(IF(attr_id=1, value,null)) AS SetQty,

GROUP_CONCAT(IF(attr_id=1, value,null)) AS HeadShape

>From myTable

GROUP BY part_ref


Gives me 


PartNo      SetQty      Length      HeadShape

ABC001        4           10.00        A

ABC002        6           12.00        B


Which is fine for part ref with only ONE entry...  however....

The data CAN come with multiple entries for each PartRef which now gives



PartNo      SetQty      Length            HeadShape

ABC001        4,5     10.00,12.00          A,B

ABC002        6        12.00                B


What I now need to do is to SPLIT out the doubled up fields and end up
with ..


PartNo      SetQty      Length            HeadShape

ABC001        4       10.00                A

ABC001        5       12.00                B

ABC002        6        12.00                B


Any pointers would be gratefully received






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