I am working on a project where I have have several processes writing
records to an InnoDB table.  There are two separate queries doing the
inserts.  In maybe one out of a couple 100 inserts, I get an integrity
constraint violation error, complaining about a duplicate entry for key 1.

The first is a Java class, and the query is simple.  The query passed to
PreparedStatement is:

INSERT INTO buildsteps
(buildid, workflowstepid, inputlocation, creationtime)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW());

There are roughly 20 different threads doing these inserts.

The second is a MySql trigger on a different table, that writes to
buildsteps.  This query is a little more complicated:

(buildid, workflowstepid, inputlocation, creationtime)
builds.id, workflowsteps.id, builds.initiallocation, builds.creationtime
FROM builds, workflowsteps, workflowsteprelationships
builds.id = NEW.id AND
workflowsteps.workflowid = NEW.workflowid AND
workflowsteps.id = workflowsteprelationships.nextworkflowstepid AND
workflowsteprelationships.previousworkflowstepid IS NULL

If I generate builds records 10 at a time while the Java threads are
running, as I said, about one in every 100 or so inserts seems to generate
this error.

None of the specified fields (buildid, workflowstepid, inputlocation,
creationtime) are unique keys in buildsteps.  The primary key of buildsteps
is an auto increment field.  The values that the integrity constraint error
complains about are primary key values in buildsteps, and there is only one
key on that table. 

I get the error both when I invoke the trigger (I get an error on the mysql
command line) and when the Java query runs (I get a
MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException thrown).  The error seems to be
an interaction between the two queries, that is, it only seems to occur when
both processes are writing to the table, but I am not positive about that.
I do not have any transaction code in place in the Java class, because I
understand it is unnecessary for single queries.

Do you have any ideas about what might be going on?

Thanks for your help.

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