Hi all,

Iam  having the one table name called AccessDetails and data inside that
tables is following,

Date                Time         UserName                       SiteName
ScanType   Status   Virus_Category

| 2008-04-16 | 13:05:31 | | -         | www.veer.com
|C       | A                | unclassified   |
| 2008-04-16 | 13:05:31 | | -         | blogactiv.eu
|C      | O             | unclassified   |
| 2008-04-16 | 13:05:32 | | -         | www.veer.com
|V      | A            | Internet  |
| 2008-04-16 | 13:05:32 | | -         |
www.verylowsodium.com     |C      | D            | unclassified   |
| 2008-04-16 | 13:05:32 | | -         | blogactiv.eu
|V     | A             | unclassified   |

In that , I need to calculate the number of total sites , number of
total Accessed Sites,number of total Denied Sites and  number of total
Overriden Sites based on the particular Virus_Category,UserName,Date

How can form the query to achieve that?? 

I have used the following query but the total site is not correctly

 from (select a.UserName,sum(a.Allow) as Allow,sum(a.Denied) as 
Denied,sum(a.Over) as Over from (select UserName,case Status when 'A' then 
count(distinct SiteName) else 0 END as Allow ,case Status when 'D' then 
count(distinct SiteName) else 0 END as Denied,case Status when 'O' then 
count(distinct SiteName) else 0 END as Over from AccessDetails where 
Virus_category = 'unclassified ' and Date<='2008-04-16' and Date>='2008-04-16' 
and ScanType='C' group by UserName, Status) a group by a.UserName) a left join 
(select UserName,count(distinct SiteName)as totalsites, count(Time)as totalconn 
from AccessDetails where Virus_category = 'unclassified ' and 
Date<='2008-04-16' and Date>='2008-04-16' and ScanType='C' and Virus_category 
<> '-' and UserName <> '-' group by UserName)b on a.UserName=b.UserName where 
b.totalsites is not null 

Thanks In Advance ,

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