Is there anyway of doing what is described below with version 5 or will I l have to wait for MySQL 6.0 ....

       PlanetMySQL Blog: MySQL 6.0 Feature #2: Online Backup

Alexander Nozdrin, Chuck Bell, Lars Thalmann, Peter Gulutzan, Rafal Somla

BACKUP DATABASE copies all data and metadata in one or more MySQL databases, into an "image file". RESTORE reads an image file and rewrites all the data and metadata in one or more MySQL databases. So if you lose a database, you can recover all of it as of the time of the last BACKUP DATABASE statement.And then you can re-run the statements in MySQL's binary log to recover "from the time of the last BACKUP DATABASE statement", "to the time that the database loss occurred". In other words ... Careful Use of Online Backup will protect from database loss.

Rob Wultsch wrote:
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:25 PM, John Comerford
2) Incremental Backups - say one every half hour, then a script to transfer
that to an off site machine that way I can get the DB back to within the
last good half hour...

Being compromised is not inevitable, but hardware failure is. Having
trusted (an therefore tested) backups is the only way to operate. Is
there some practice in particular you are concerned about?

Blanket suggestion: Don't escape things manually, have the db (or
emulation) do it for you using prepared statements. It is easier to
code this way, and much more secure in the long run.

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