
MySQL is an open-source product. That allows anyone to contribute patches and new features from the community. In time, when the feature is mature, it may be included in some future version.

Documentation on this feature is very limited because the (2) people behind the project have only pursued it during their personal free time. The code is of alpha quality and the target audience is mostly aimed at people of expert knowledge who can largely figure out how to use it without the aid of verbose documentation.

Of course, if anyone is willing to contribute documentation, it would be greatly appreciated. The forge site is a wiki: Anyone may add stuff to it.


On 5 Jun 2008, at 05:05, Abhayjeet Singh Grewal wrote:

Thanks Everybody,

I went through the project and was a little dissapointed with MySQL not supporting Java natively as yet. Let's hope we include this support in coming future.
Also, there is not enough documentation for the project mentioned:

Thanks again !!

Abhay Grewal

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Antony T Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Check out this link for Java stored procedures with MySQL


It is probably what you are looking for. I have some more info on my blog at http://antbits.blogspot.com/

For more information, you can email Eric Herman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or you can email me. Currently, you will not see any Java Stored Procedure functionality in any official MySQL release but I plan to maintain a fork with this feature.

Soon, I plan to be in a position to build 'preview' binaries for Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and MacOS.

Antony Curtis,

(Not speaking on behalf of my current or any prior employer)

On 4 Jun 2008, at 01:39, Abhayjeet Singh Grewal wrote:

Thanks Martin,
I looked at the link, but I guess I was not able to put my question in the
right way.

Basically I have a Java Package and I want to call that package from MYSQL
function or procedure.

Any help would be much appreciated.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 9:32 PM, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


It seems you are referring to the UDF Oracle specific User-defined forms
Have you looked at


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abhayjeet Singh Grewal" <
To: <mysql@lists.mysql.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:50 AM


I am working on oracle to mysql migration and really stuck bad with Java
UDF. I did not find any documantation and the ones which I did do not

Please help me at the earliest. I am using MySQL 5.0.51B comunity server
with Java JDK1.6 on windows 2003.


Abhay Grewal

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