On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, Martin wrote:


So the net effect is to produce a cartesian join where ALL results from Query1 (are combined with) ALL results from Query2 In order to prevent cartesian join can you use a more narrowly defined predicate such as what is defined at

  Thank you Martin for the suggestion to take the join out of the union.

  It is not exactly what suggestedin the URL you quote (that's more "take
  the WHERE condition inside a subquery") but gave me an idea which I
  explain below

  In my case the WHERE condition is totally unpredictable (all the stuff
  below will actually be masked under a servlet which users will access
  to construct queries)

Are you sure it is wise to create temptable considering MERGE would be disabled when temptable is specified?

  Apparently it was proven in the past that it was necessary to obtain
  a speed achievement in some conditions specific of my case.

Molte Grazie

  Prego ! (you are welcome)
  But why are you thanking me, while I should be thanking you ? :-)

(this reminds me of the 8th scene of Petrolini's Nerone  :-)
It's even on You Tube, google for "Petrolini Nerone grazie")

Now back to serious business

a) when I create views of the form

   gct left join member1... left join member2... left join membern...

   where the "member" tables are real tables
   the queries are fast and use the indices on member1 ... membern

b) if for maintenance purposes I create unions which concatenate
   three tables, say

   member1 (combo1) is union of tab1A tab1B tab1C
   member2 (combo2) is union of tab2A tab2B tab2C
   member3 (combo3) is union of tab3A tab3B tab3C

   while the union themselves are fast, the view above where each
   member is an union is 250 times slower !

c) it is not a matter of join optimization (STRAIGHT_JOIN does NOT

d) I found no way to force the union to use the concatenation of
   the index. I tried index hints like

   (select * from tab1A force index (auxiliary)) union
   (select * from tab1B force index (auxiliary)) union
   (select * from tab1C force index (auxiliary))

   but this has no effect.

e) one obvious way out would be to store the unions into a physical
   table,  so member1/2/3 will be physical tables.
   This is almost as fast as the single table query (scales with size)

   but has the disadvantage to waste disk space (and to require one
   remembers to update the physical union when one of the A B C components
   are updated

f) the solution is to write the view as an union of joins (instead
   of a join of union views)

 create view xxx as
  (select .. gct left join tab1A.. left join tab2A.. left join tab3A..)
  (select .. gct left join tab1B.. left join tab2B.. left join tab3B..)
  (select .. gct left join tab1C.. left join tab2C.. left join tab3C..)

 This proves to be successful. Explain select returns a manageable
 query which uses the indices on the tabnX, and executes only 2.5 slower
 than the original query on a single table ...

 ... what's more important it remains fast even if one is accessing
 element in each of the three union "chunks"

 The updated notes on
 are probably clearer

 One can even dispense with the "combo" unions, everything is
 done on the fly from the physical tabnX.

 The only thing is that writing the definition of the union of joins
 is slightly painful (but can be automatized).

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
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