Hi All,
I just spoke to the dev, they say this is the main sql

 A.MAX_ITEM_ID from C_DATA A, R_DATA B, ER_MAP C where B.KEYWORDS in (?) and
B.KR_ID = C.KR_ID and
 C.CLUSTER_ID = A.CLUSTER_ID order by case A.IS_NULL when 'Y' then 2 when
'L' then 1 else 0 end desc, A.NO_LISTINGS desc)
 A limit 40

Thats the reason they use derived table. So any tips on tuning this sql

On 6/23/08, Ananda Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, there could be different cluster_id's for the same kr_id.
> On 6/23/08, Jocelyn Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ok, so just to be sure, in C, kr_id is not unique by design (you have
>> several different cluster_id for the same kr_id) ?
>> Ananda Kumar a écrit :
>>> B has single column KR_ID as primary key, where as C has combined primary
>>> key (kr_id,cluster_id) and data type on both tables for KR_ID are same.
>>> On 6/23/08, *Jocelyn Fournier* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>    Hi,
>>>    Oops, indeed, C is a primary key :)
>>>    But what's weird is MySQL is using a ref type for the join between B
>>>    and C, and not an eq_ref.
>>>    Could you check B.KR_ID and C.KR_ID are of the same data type ?
>>>    Regards,
>>>     Jocelyn
>>>    Ananda Kumar a écrit :
>>>        Hi Jo,
>>>        Yes there is a combined index on (keywords,kr_id) on B,
>>>        c.kr_id is a primary key.
>>>         Let me talk to my dev and check why they are using derived.
>>>        Thanks for noticing this.
>>>         On 6/23/08, *Jocelyn Fournier* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>>>           Hi,
>>>           AFAIK, to optimize your query you should have :
>>>           1 index on B.KEYWORDS. (I assume it's the
>>> KD_KW_KI_IDX_0806120615
>>>           index ?)
>>>           1 index on C.KR_ID. Your index is not UNIQUE here, is this
>>>        expected ?
>>>           1 index unique on A.CLUSTER_ID (it's already the case)
>>>           BTW, why are you using a derived table here ?
>>>           You could write directly :
>>>           select A.LEAF_CATEG_ID, A.CLUSTER_ID, A.SIGNATURE,
>>>        A.MAX_PRICE,
>>>           A.MIN_ITEM_ID, A.MAX_ITEM_ID from C_DATA A, R_DATA  B, ER_MAP
>>>        C where
>>>           B.KEYWORDS IN ('CAMERA') and B.KR_ID = C.KR_ID and C.CLUSTER_ID
>>> =
>>>           A.CLUSTER_ID  limit 40
>>>           Regards,
>>>            Jocelyn Fournier
>>>           Ananda Kumar a écrit :
>>>               explain select * from (select A.LEAF_CATEG_ID,
>>>               A.SIGNATURE,
>>>        A.MAX_PRICE,
>>>               A.MIN_ITEM_ID, A.MAX_ITEM_ID from C_DATA A, R_DATA  B,
>>>        ER_MAP C
>>>               where
>>>               B.KEYWORDS IN ('CAMERA') and B.KR_ID = C.KR_ID and
>>>        C.CLUSTER_ID =
>>>               A.CLUSTER_ID ) A limit 40\G;
>>>               *************************** 1. row
>>>        ***************************
>>>                         id: 1
>>>                select_type: PRIMARY
>>>                      table: <derived2>
>>>                       type: ALL
>>>               possible_keys: NULL
>>>                        key: NULL
>>>                    key_len: NULL
>>>                        ref: NULL
>>>                       rows: 3231
>>>                      Extra:
>>>               *************************** 2. row
>>>        ***************************
>>>                         id: 2
>>>                select_type: DERIVED
>>>                      table: B
>>>                       type: ref
>>>               possible_keys: PRIMARY,KD_KW_KI_IDX_0806120615
>>>                        key: KD_KW_KI_IDX_0806120615
>>>                    key_len: 767
>>>                        ref:
>>>                       rows: 720
>>>                      Extra: Using where; Using index
>>>               *************************** 3. row
>>>        ***************************
>>>                         id: 2
>>>                select_type: DERIVED
>>>                      table: C
>>>                       type: ref
>>>               possible_keys: PRIMARY
>>>                        key: PRIMARY
>>>                    key_len: 10
>>>                        ref: reh.B.kr_id
>>>                       rows: 1
>>>                      Extra: Using index
>>>               *************************** 4. row
>>>        ***************************
>>>                         id: 2
>>>                select_type: DERIVED
>>>                      table: A
>>>                       type: eq_ref
>>>               possible_keys: PRIMARY
>>>                        key: PRIMARY
>>>                    key_len: 10
>>>                        ref: reh.C.cluster_id
>>>                       rows: 1
>>>                      Extra:
>>>               4 rows in set (0.03 sec)
>>>               ERROR:
>>>               No query specified
>>>               On 6/22/08, Moon's Father <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>>>                   Can you show us the proper view of your sql statement
>>> by
>>>                   adding \G.
>>>                   On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Ananda Kumar
>>>                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>>>                       The below query performance in 10 sec when there
>>>        are no
>>>                       other activity on
>>>                       db
>>>                       , but when any insert or LOAD DATA Index creation
>>>                        happens it takes close
>>>                       to
>>>                       80 sec. Any ways to improve the performance of
>>>        this sql.
>>>                       innodb_buffer=11GB , key_buffer=3 GB, we have
>>>        totally 16GB
>>>                       EXPLAIN select * from (select A.LEAF_CATEG_ID,
>>>                       A.CLUSTER_ID, A.SIGNATURE,
>>>                       A.IS_NULL, A.HEIGHT, A.NO_LISTINGS,
>>>                       A.NO_SUCC_LISTINGS,
>>>                        A.TOTAL_QTY,A.SOLD_QTY, A.ASP, A.NO_BIDS,
>>>        A.MIN_PRICE,
>>>                       A.MAX_PRICE,
>>>                       A.MIN_ITEM_ID, A.MAX_ITEM_ID from C_DATA A,
>>>                       R_DATA  B, ER_MAP C where B.KEYWORDS IN
>>>        ('CAMERA') and
>>>                       B.KR_ID = C.KR_ID
>>>                       and
>>>                       C.CLUSTER_ID = A.CLUSTER_ID ) A limit
>>>                       40;
>>> +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------+-------------
>>>                       ----------+------+--------------------------+
>>>                       | id | select_type | table      | type   |
>>>        possible_keys
>>>                       |
>>>                       key                     | key_len | ref
>>>                              | rows | Extra                    |
>>> +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------+-------------
>>>                       ----------+------+--------------------------+
>>>                       |  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL    | NULL
>>>                        |
>>>                       NULL                    | NULL    | NULL
>>>                              | 3278 |                          |
>>>                       |  2 | DERIVED     | B          | ref    |
>>>                       PRIMARY,KD_KW_KI_IDX_0805230323
>>>                       |
>>>                       KD_KW_KI_IDX_0805230323 | 767     |
>>>                              | 1524 | Using where; Using index |
>>>                       |  2 | DERIVED     | C          | ref    | PRIMARY
>>>                       |
>>>                       PRIMARY                 | 10      |
>>>                       reh.B.kr_id      |    1 | Using index
>>>  |
>>>                       |  2 | DERIVED     | A          | eq_ref | PRIMARY
>>>                       |
>>>                       PRIMARY                 | 10      |
>>>                       reh.C.cluster_id |    1 |
>>>  |
>>> +----+-------------+------------+--------+---------------------------------+-------------------------+---------+-------------
>>>                       ----------+------+--------------------------+
>>>                   --
>>>                   I'm a MySQL DBA in china.
>>>                   More about me just visit here:
>>>                   http://yueliangdao0608.cublog.cn
>>>        <http://yueliangdao0608.cublog.cn/>
>>>                   <http://yueliangdao0608.cublog.cn/>

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