This is really a MySQL and php question since one of the two options require programming. Of course I don't think the result would be different in a different programming language. I use lookup tables a lot. I have had between 5 to 10 lookup tables for one table of data. Normally the lookup tables are small (much less than 100 records) A few get close to 100 and very few go over 100. Often times even with out using the lookup tables, the joins required to get the data set I want can be complex on certain projects. So rather than complicating it even more by doing even more joins to all the lookup tables, what I have done on some projects is to read all the lookup tables into a php array (which is really just a hash table in php) then as I am iterating through my rows in the query and displaying them for the user I just use my arrays to look up and display the data on the web page. It only amounts to a few hundred fairly short strings in a few arrays. Since the tables are small, mostly static, and the queries simple, I would think they would stay in a query cache. So my question is, is doing that way better than making the query more complex with all the joins?

Chris W

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