Thanks for the reply Rolando.

In both the examples I provided (pipe and text file) the CHANGE MASTER
command appears at the top of the data import and is uncommented and
therefore executes before the data is imported. I don't think this is a
problem because the slave only starts replicating from the master once I run
the "start slave" command. That command is only run after all data is

Unless the slave does some kind of processing before I run "start slave" I
don't see this is the explanation.

Thanks again - and please let me know your thoughts on this because I could
be wrong.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 8:47 AM, Rolando Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> When you use --master-data=1, it executes the CHANGE MASTER command first
> before adding data.
> Do the following to verify this:
> Run 'mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data=1 -h... -u... -p... >
> DataDump1.sql
> Run 'mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data=2 -h... -u... -p... >
> DataDump2.sql
> Run 'head -30 DataDump1.sql'
> You will see the CHANGE MASTER command before all CREATE TABLEs and
> Therefore, it will execute.
> Run 'head -30 DataDump2.sql'
> You will see the CHANGE MASTER command before all CREATE TABLEs and
> However, the command is commented Out !!!
> Therefore, it will not execute.
> After loading DataDump2.sql, you can then use the replication coordinates
> (log file name and log position) in the Commented Out CHANGE MASTER Command
> After the data are loaded.
> In theory, it is a paradigm bug because the CHANGE MASTER command when
> using --master-data=1 should appear on the bottom of the mysqldump and not
> at the top. Yet, it is at the top and executes immediately and then tries to
> load your data and read from the master's binary logs at the same time,
> guaranteeing duplicate key collision.
> This is why importing mysqldump straight to mysql via a pipe produces the
> error you are experiencing.
> Try this:
> 1) In mysql session 1, Run FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK on the master.
> 2) In mysql session 1, run SHOW MASTER STATUS.
> 3) Record the log file and position from mysql session 1.
> 4) In mysql seesion 2, run 'STOP SLAVE;'
> 5) Run 'mysqldump --single-transaction mysqldump --single-transaction
> --master-data=1 -u root -pmypass -h masterHost dbName | mysql -u root
> -pmypass -h slaveHost dbName'. Let it run to completion.
> Notice I did not use --master-data in the mysqldump
> 5) In mysql session 2, run "CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='<log file
> STATUS>';"
> 6) In mysql session 2,run 'START SLAVE'.
> 7) In mysql session 1, run 'UNLOCK TABLES'
> Give it a try !!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Maunder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 3:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Possible bug in mysqldump?
> Hi all,
> I'm busy setting up replication and have encountered what looks like a bug
> in mysqldump. The following commands work perfectly:
> Running the following commands in the mysql client on the slave:
> stop slave;
> reset slave;
> create database dbName;
> Then running the following on the command line on the slave:
> mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data=1 -u root -pmypass -h
> masterHost dbName >masterDB.sql ;
> mysql -u root -pmypass -h slaveHost dbName< masterDB.sql
> Then running the following in the mysql client on the slave:
> start slave;
> At this point the slave comes up perfectly and is in sync with the master.
> However, if I do exactly the same thing, but import the data using a pipe
> command:
> mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data=1 -u root -pmypass -h
> masterHost dbName | mysql -u root -pmypass -h slaveHost dbName
> When i start the slave I get a duplicate key error. In other words, the
> slave is trying to execute entries in the masters log that have already
> been
> run.
> I can't figure out why this is a problem and this has forced me to store
> data on disk as a file as an intermediate step when setting up slaves.
> The only difference between the two methods is that in the first case the
> data is stored on disk and then imported via the client and in the second
> case it's piped directly to the client. In both cases the data that
> mysqldump produces is the same. Both include the CHANGE MASTER command that
> sets the log file and position.
> Is this a bug in mysqldump, or am I missing something?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark.

Mark Maunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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