
I posted this to the Win32 List as well, I have noticed that is seems to be
very low volume, sorry for any duplicates.

I'm currently having a problem on one of my MySQL servers. The server has
8GB of ram avail. and has /3GB and /PAE added to the boot.ini file.

I have read that you must compile MySQL yourself with __WIN2000__ defined in
the innobase project. I have done this (with 5.0.51b source) on a Windows XP
Pro Machine with CMAKE and Visual Studio 2008. The build worked fine, i had
to comment out a vsprintf() define in a header file in the zlib library

I confirmed that this binary will use however much ram i specify in the awe
configuration variable for innodb. I installed it on this production system
and it seemed to run fine -- until the server came under heavy load. We
started to receive the error:

"Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available
memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug."

At the time i was unable to connect to the server myself on the console
because the cmd line client threw the same error. I finally, after
restarting the server several times, was able to connect. There was only 34
connections to the server at the time, my connection  limit is 300.

I'm back to using MySQL AB's pre-compiled binary -- which will not use more
than 2GB of RAM on this system.

Is AWE support available in any pre-compiled binary yet? Is AWE support even
being worked on (saw a post by MySQL in the bugs list that AWE support is
becoming obsolete)?

Is this going to even work on a 32bit system, or should i just move to

Any help, thoughts or comments is appreciated. Feel free to ask any
questions i may have left unanswered.

Thanks in advance.

Johnny Withers

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