Not sure how someone can intelligently comment on your table structure when you haven't given any details of the data you are storing. In my experience, the fact that you have 75 fields in your table is a strong indicator that your data is not normalized. If that is the case you tables are likely much larger than they need to be and queries may be slower. In general the larger your tables are the slower queries are going to be, if it is too slow for you depends on your hardware and how fast you need it to be. Also not knowing how large the 75 fields are, makes it hard to make any guess on this either. If they are all INTs or char(1)s, then that really isn't that much data and half a million records won't be all that much to handle. You also don't mention which database engine you are using. MyISAM will be much faster than some of the others, if you don't need to do transactions that would be what I would use.

Velen wrote:

I have a table containing 75 fields with a primary index and index set on 5 
other fields.  Everything is working fine so far as the table contains only 
about 80,000 records.  I expect these records to reach 500,000 by end of 

I would like to know:
- if the number of records will slow down my queries when I search on the indexed fields? - if manipulating the records within the table will be slow, (i.e. insert into table..., delete from table..., subqueries)

Can anyone advise?  Also, if you have a similar table please let me know your 
pros and cons for this kind of table structure.



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