As I said, it appears your mysqldump output is not doing a "DROP TABLE"
before each create.  You need to correct that.  Do the drop table commands
yourself, then load the tables.  Afterwards, do a "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" to
activate the new permissions.l

2008/8/22 Deniss Hennesy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> İ am migrating database from mysql-client-4.0.20 running server(current) to
> mysql-client-5.0.51a running server(new) ..i ve took mysqldump and
> transfered to new server and restored but process broken up with this error
> message.
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 6:33 PM, Jim Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You're restoring the mysql database itself, do you mean to do this?  You
>> probably do if it's a new server but there already exists a mysql database
>> so, unless your restore program does "DROP TABLE" before each create, you'll
>> keep getting this error.
>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Deniss Hennesy <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi  to list
>>> i ve installed new server. while i was restoring my backup to this
>>> server.
>>> i  took this error and restoring procees is to stop.
>>> *ERROR 1050 ( ) at line : Table 'columns_priv' already exists*
>>> My old server mysql version is   mysql-client-4.0.20       is running on
>>> old
>>> server  but mysql-client-5.0.51a  is running now
>>> what can i do
>>> regards
>> --
>> Jim Lyons
>> Web developer / Database administrator

Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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