
I work at a Web Hosting company and we were frustrated by our
inability to account for user activity on a busy server.  We could see
gross spikes in activity by SHOW STATUS, but couldn't tell where they
were coming from easily. We finally developed an extensive set of
patches for MySQL and released them as Open Source (we hope it will get
picked up in the main MySQL soon!). I have some brief examples below,
you can read more and download the source at

I'm also our representative on the INCITS (H2) technical committee
(the US ANSI body with responsibility for the SQL standard) -- from
our review of other major DB vendors these changes look like some
welcome additions to the SQL standard (most likely under

We are very interested in feedback/suggestions from the community.

# Show number of select, updates, and total queries from all
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] host machines where more than 10,000 queries were
# issued:

sql> SHOW STATISTICS Com_select, Questions, Com_update FROM conuser 
          WHERE Questions > 10000;
| conuser   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])      | Com_select  | Questions | Com_update |
+--------- ------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | 8306726     | 23163320  | 3439850933 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 1704040     |  3831803  | 3365501841 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   24920     |    95662  |  156529077 |

# Show number of select, updates, and total queries for DB bandala for
# the past three minutes:

sql> SHOW STATISTICS Com_select, Questions, Com_update FROM db 
          LIKE 'bandala' HISTORY LIMIT 3;
|      db | minutes     | Com_select | Questions | Com_update |
| bandala | 11/20 13:56 | 216        |     382   | 318343     |
| bandala | 11/20 13:55 | 642        |    1618   | 1386347    |
| bandala | 11/20 13:54 | 280        |     699   | 646855     |

John Murtari                              Software Workshop Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 315.635.1968(x-211)  "TheBook.Com" (TM)

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