There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back called RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement behave like a SELECT statement. You can do something like this:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something')
  RETURNING any_column_you_want;

This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something');

  SELECT any_column_you_want
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = 1;

Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

  UPDATE mytable SET
    value = 'something'
  WHERE id = 1
  RETURNING id, other_number;

The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't always want to get the primary key returned to me. Sometimes I want another column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid the round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the TODO list even? If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put on there?

-- Dante

D. Dante Lorenso

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