Chris W wrote:
I have two tables, one is a list of users and the other is a list of events for each user. It is a one to many relationship. The event table is pretty simple just an event type and a the date and time of the event in a datetime field. I need a query that shows all events of a certain type for each user, very simple so far. In fact the query I use now is simply,
SELECT u.FName, u.LName, e.EventType, DATE(e.DateTime)
FROM user u
JOIN event e USING(UserID)
ORDER BY u.LName, u.FName, e.EventType, e.DateTime

The twist comes in that there can be several records for a given user and event type all on the same day, in a case like that, I only want the query to show one record. So I need one record per user per event type per day. The query will strip the time part off of the date time field and only display the date. We don't really care if that event happened 1 or 10 times in one day just that it happened at least once on that day for a user.
Chris W


Gerald L. Clark
Sr. V.P. Development
Supplier Systems Corporation
Unix  since 1982
Linux since 1992

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