mrc_titles is a temp table?

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Jerry Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> I tried to make a query that joins to subqueries:
> SELECT discontinued.b
>           (SELECT mrc_titles.title AS a
>           FROM mrc_titles JOIN prod ON mrc_titles.title = prod.prod_title
>                JOIN pub ON prod.pub_id = pub.pub_id
>           WHERE pub.pub_code = "MRC"
>                AND prod.prod_discont = 1) AS `discontinued`
>           (SELECT mrc_titles.title AS b
>           FROM mrc_titles JOIN prod ON mrc_titles.title = prod.prod_title
>                JOIN pub ON prod.pub_id = pub.pub_id
>           WHERE pub.pub_code = "MRC"
>                AND prod.prod_discont = 0) AS `available`
>           ON discontinued.a = available.b
> WHERE available.b IS NULL
> ;
> Basically I'm trying to find the `mrc_titles.title` records that only match
> where `prod`.`prod_discont` = 1, excluding those that match
> `prod`.`prod_discont` = 0.
> I think the query makes sense to a human, but I get
> ERROR 1137 (HY000): Can't reopen table: 'mrc_titles'
> from MySQL 4.1.22-standard.
> I didn't see anything about this limitation in the 4.x documentation
> (although somehow it seems to ring a bell). What am I missing?
> Regards,
> Jerry Schwartz
> The Infoshop by Global Information Incorporated
> 195 Farmington Ave.
> Farmington, CT 06032
> 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
>  <>
>  <>

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