can u please do "show full processlist"  when the update is happening,  and
if its innodb

please do "SHOW INNODB STATUS", which will give complete activity on innodb
engine, including lock information.

Please show use the output of these.


On 11/27/08, David Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list.We have 2 tables, both have a few inserts, many updates and the
> occasional select.
> When running a select joining the 2 tables (which can take upto 20 seconds
> to complete, they are large tables) all updates are blocked and the
> maxconnections is quickly reached.
> We tried copying the data to a 2nd database (in the same MySQL install) to
> run the select on that but for some reason that still prevents the updates
> on the original database, we watch the connections and we see them build
> up,
> when the select finishes they quickly clear.
> My question is how can we prevent this backing up of updates when running a
> select and why would doing a select on one database cause connections on
> another to back up?
> Thanks
> --
> David

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