Martijn Tonies wrote:

What is the exact error message?

Here's the latest query:

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
       select count(ad.adsource_id)
       from adsource ad, jobposts jp
       where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
       and old.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
if @counted >= 1 then SET dummy = "Cannot delete this record"; end if;
end //
delimiter ;

Here's the error message:

ERROR: Unknown column 'old.jobpost_id' in 'where clause'

Works fine here (although with different tables).

Just for fun and giggles, have you tried OLD. (uppercase?)

Okay . . . I tried OLD.

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
       select count(ad.adsource_id)
       from adsource ad, jobposts jp
       where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
       and OLD.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
   if @counted >= 1 then SET dummy = 'Cannot delete this record'; end if;
end //

Now I just have this error message:

ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'end //
delimiter' at line 1

Query = end

As a complete sidenote:

It's better to write your JOINs with a JOIN clause and to put your
strings inside single quotes as per SQL standard, double quotes are
really for object names.

Right . . . I'll get the JOIN clause figured out after I figure out what's causing the above error message.

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
"In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time." - Leonardo da Vinci 

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