
Sun's Mickos Is OK With Monty's MySQL 5.1 Rant 

"Back on November 29, MySQL developer Michael Widenius trashed Sun's
decision to give MySQL 5.1 a 'generally available' designation in a
now-infamous blog post. Widenius warned users to be 'very cautious about
MySQL 5.1' because 'there are still many known and unknown fatal bugs in
the new features that are still not addressed.' And now we get Sun's
response. In an interview Monday, Marten Mickos, senior VP of Sun's
database group, said, 'I learned over many years about the benefits and
the painfulness of absolute transparency in open source. A little bit of
debate never hurts. This is part of being an open-source company. ...
People are free to blog about what they want.' Doubtless, this will do
nothing to end the debate over whether Widenius will follow fellow MySQL
co-founder David Axmark's lead and leave Sun."

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