Yesterday I decided to take the plunge and upgrade from MySQL 5.01 to 5.1.30 because after all, it was Saturday and what else is there to do on a Saturday?

I'm running it on XP Pro with 3gb ram and used the my.ini for very large system. I decided not to tweak any of these settings except for the datadir and I commented out skip-networking since my old my.ini file didn't have it either. I'm using only MyISAM tables so skip-innodb is enabled.

Well to make a sad story short, I ran my application last night and returned this morning only to find it still running. Select queries that would run on 1 table to return 1 row should take under a second, now takes over an hour. An Explain shows that it is using the index.

The query goes something like this:
select purch_date from items where prod_code='ABC' and ((store_id='A' and purch_date>'2007-01-01') or (store_id='B' and purch_date>'2007-01-05') or (store_id='C' and purch_date>'2007-01-09')) and (col1 is null or col2 is null or col3 is null or col4 is null or col5 is null or col6 is null) order by purch_date limit 1;

There are 2 compound keys: prod_code,purch_date,store_id and prod_code,purch_date,store_id The table items has approx 30 million rows in it and there are approx 5,000 rows for 'ABC'.

I copied these tables over from the MySQ 5.0 data directory to the MySQL 5.1 data directory.

My question is this. Has the table or index structure changed in 5.1? Do I have to optimize all of the tables before using 5.1? Did I overlook something when installing 5.1 that would account for this 1000x speed slowdown? I thought I'd bounce this question off the group before I start tearing things apart here to find out what is going on.

I'm running a check now on the tables to see if they are damaged but I'd be grateful if someone could chime in and let me know if I overlooked something simple so I could have a "d'uh moment" and put this behind me.


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