I'm trying to diagnose this and not having much luck. I can't even figure out where to even begin to look. I have two MySQL servers and getting different results for the same query on both:

   SERVER 1:
       mysqladmin  Ver 8.41 Distrib 5.0.37, for pc-linux-gnu on i686

   SERVER 2:
       mysqladmin  Ver 8.42 Distrib 5.1.30, for pc-linux-gnu on i686

   TABLE description:
       | Field | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
       | name  | varchar(40)  | NO   | PRI |         |       |
       | value | varchar(255) | NO   |     |         |       |

   Query run on both systems:
INSERT INTO $TABLE SET NAME='atest', value=now() ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=now();

On SERVER 1 it fails to update, where on SERVER 2 it works just fine and updates the record as I would expect it. Is this a problem with that specific version (5.0.37) ? Or is there something else I should be looking for here?

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