Andy Shellam wrote:
Am I missing something here?  (It is late after a long day, I admit!)

Only something I forgot to mention.

All the foreign keys are set up as ON DELETE RESTRICT, meaning MySQL's response to a foreign key violation is to spit out an error message to the effect of "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that."

The problem is, the target platform doesn't use foreign keys for performance reasons. I want to use foreign keys in development as a bug-trapping method -- I'd rather see an FK violation error in development than get an angry email from a customer asking why there's a part listed that doesn't seem to have a manufacturer.

The plan was to write a code-generator that would generate all the database code for me, then I could deal with the page templates and display logic myself (thus eliminating ~80% of the boring, repetitive work). I want the generated code to handle foreign keys itself, rather than relying on the database.

As I said above, if foreign key constraints didn't slow things down markedly, I'd use them in production. Based on the (admittedly limited) testing I've done, application-side FK enforcement is considerably faster than using ON DELETE CASCADE and letting MySQL deal with the foreign keys.

I don't like writing database code by hand (it all follows a standard template), so I figured I'd write a program to do it for me. "Work smarter not harder" and all that :)

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