I am beginning the process of upgrading a large mysql 5.0 database to 5.1.
Specifically, I'm going from 5.0.56 enterprise to 5.1.30 community (which I
think is now the GA version?)

The db is about 4 terabytes.  This means making a dump of the database,
installing a new version of the dbms, and reloading the database, would take
too long.  Also the databases are replicating.  I believe I need to upgrade
the slaves first, the go to the master.  I've read about the possibility of
having to rebuild indexes, mainly due to collation changes.  I didn't see
any compatibility issues in going to 5.1.30, although I can certainly
rebuild some indexes if I need to.

Can I (after backing up the data) just install the new mysql code, run
mysql_upgrade, and reasonably expect the database to work?
What is time involved?
If I can just install new binaries and point them to the old data, the time
taken should not depend on the size of the database, should it (unless I
have to rebuild some indexes)?



Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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