Really? less then a week after we upgraded? Tough luck, haha :)


OlinData: Professional services for MySQL
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On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Joerg Bruehe <> wrote:
> Dear MySQL users,
> my sincere apologies for the noise -
> this text is the final, official announcement; the word "DRAFT" in a
> previous mailing's subject line was an oversight of mine.
> Jörg Brühe
> =====
> Dear MySQL users,
> MySQL Community Server 5.0.77, a new version of the popular Open Source
> Database Management System, has been released.  The release is now
> available in source and binary form  for a number of platforms from our
> download pages at
> and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
> this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
> please try again later or choose another download site.
> We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
> patches etc.:
> The following section lists important, incompatible and security
> changes since the previous (binary) MySQL Community Server 5.0.67
> release.  The full changelog including many more fixes can be viewed
> online at
> This is a bugfix release for the current production release
> family.  It replaces MySQL 5.0.67 (binary) and 5.0.75 (source-only).
> Functionality added or changed:
>  * Security Enhancement: To enable stricter control over the
>    location from which user-defined functions can be loaded,
>    the plugin_dir system variable has been backported from
>    MySQL 5.1. If the value is non-empty, user-defined
>    function object files can be loaded only from the
>    directory named by this variable. If the value is empty,
>    the behavior that is used prior to the inclusion of
>    plugin_dir applies: The UDF object files must be located
>    in a directory that is searched by your system's dynamic
>    linker. (Bug#37428:
>  * A new status variable, Queries, indicates the number of
>    statements executed by the server. This includes
>    statements executed within stored programs, unlike the
>    Questions variable which includes only statements sent to
>    the server by clients.
>    (Bug#41131:
>  * Previously, index hints did not work for FULLTEXT
>    searches. Now they work as follows:
>    For natural language mode searches, index hints are
>    silently ignored. For example, IGNORE INDEX(i) is ignored
>    with no warning and the index is still used.
>    For boolean mode searches, index hints are honored.
>    (Bug#38842:
> Bugs fixed:
>  * Important Change: Security Fix: Additional corrections
>    were made for the symlink-related privilege problem
>    originally addressed in MySQL 5.0.60. The original fix
>    did not correctly handle the data directory path name if
>    it contained symlinked directories in its path, and the
>    check was made only at table-creation time, not at
>    table-opening time later.
>    (Bug#32167:, CVE-2008-2079
>    (
>    079))
>    See also Bug#39277:
>  * Security Enhancement: The server consumed excess memory
>    while parsing statements with hundreds or thousands of
>    nested boolean conditions (such as OR (OR ... (OR ...
>    ))). This could lead to a server crash or incorrect
>    statement execution, or cause other client statements to
>    fail due to lack of memory. The latter result constitutes
>    a denial of service.
>    (Bug#38296:
>  * Incompatible Change: There were some problems using
>    DllMain() hook functions on Windows that automatically do
>    global and per-thread initialization for libmysqld.dll:
>       + Per-thread initialization: MySQL internally counts
>         the number of active threads, which causes a delay
>         in my_end() if not all threads have exited. But
>         there are threads that can be started either by
>         Windows internally (often in TCP/IP scenarios) or by
>         users. Those threads do not necessarily use
>         libmysql.dll functionality but still contribute to
>         the open-thread count. (One symptom is a five-second
>         delay in times for PHP scripts to finish.)
>       + Process-initialization: my_init() calls WSAStartup
>         that itself loads DLLs and can lead to a deadlock in
>         the Windows loader.
>    To correct these problems, DLL initialization code now is
>    not invoked from libmysql.dll by default. To obtain the
>    previous behavior (DLL initialization code will be
>    called), set the LIBMYSQL_DLLINIT environment variable to
>    any value. This variable exists only to prevent breakage
>    of existing Windows-only applications that do not call
>    mysql_thread_init() and work okay today. Use of
>    LIBMYSQL_DLLINIT is discouraged and is removed in MySQL
>    6.0. (Bug#37226:,
>    Bug#33031:
>  * Incompatible Change: SHOW STATUS took a lot of CPU time
>    for calculating the value of the
>    Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched status variable. Now
>    this variable is calculated and included in the output of
>    SHOW STATUS only if the UNIV_DEBUG symbol is defined at
>    MySQL build time.
>    (Bug#36600:
>  * Incompatible Change: In connection with view creation,
>    the server created arc directories inside database
>    directories and maintained useless copies of .frm files
>    there. Creation and renaming procedures of those copies
>    as well as creation of arc directories has been
>    discontinued.
>    This change does cause a problem when downgrading to
>    older server versions which manifests itself under these
>    circumstances:
>      1. Create a view v_orig in MySQL 5.0.72 or higher.
>      2. Rename the view to v_new and then back to v_orig.
>      3. Downgrade to an older 5.0.x server and run
>         mysql_upgrade.
>      4. Try to rename v_orig to v_new again. This operation
>         fails.
>    As a workaround to avoid this problem, use either of
>    these approaches:
>       + Dump your data using mysqldump before downgrading
>         and reload the dump file after downgrading.
>       + Instead of renaming a view after the downgrade, drop
>         it and recreate it.
>    The downgrade problem introduced by the fix for this bug
>    has been addressed as
>    Bug#40021:
>    (Bug#17823:
>  * Replication: When rotating relay log files, the slave
>    deletes relay log files and then edits the relay log
>    index file. Formerly, if the slave shut down unexpectedly
>    between these two events, the relay log index file could
>    then reference relay logs that no longer existed.
>    Depending on the circumstances, this could when
>    restarting the slave cause either a race condition or the
>    failure of replication.
>    (Bug#38826:,
>    Bug#39325:
>  * In example option files provided in MySQL distributions,
>    the thread_stack value was increased from 64K to 128K.
>    (Bug#41577:
>  * SET PASSWORD caused a server crash if the account name
>    was given as CURRENT_USER().
>    (Bug#41456:
>    limited to 7680 rows.
>    (Bug#41079:
>  * In debug builds, obsolete debug code could be used to
>    crash the server.
>    (Bug#41041:
>  * CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE did not check for
>    incompatible collation changes made in MySQL 5.0.48
>    (Bug#27562:,
>    Bug#29461:,
>    Bug#29499: This also
>    affects mysqlcheck and mysql_upgrade, which cause that
>    statement to be executed. See Section 2.18.3, "Checking
>    Whether Table Indexes Must Be Rebuilt."
>    (Bug#40984:
>    See also Bug#39585:
>  * Some queries that used a "range checked for each record"
>    scan could return incorrect results.
>    (Bug#40974:
>  * Certain SELECT queries could fail with a Duplicate entry
>    error. (Bug#40953:
>  * The FEDERATED handler had a memory leak.
>    (Bug#40875:
>  * IF(..., CAST(longtext_val AS UNSIGNED), signed_val) as an
>    argument to an aggregate function could cause an
>    assertion failure.
>    (Bug#40761:
>  * Prepared statements allowed invalid dates to be inserted
>    when the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode was not enabled.
>    (Bug#40365:
>  * mc.exe is no longer needed to compile MySQL on Windows.
>    This makes it possible to build MySQL from source using
>    Visual Studio Express 2008.
>    (Bug#40280:
>  * Support for the revision field in .frm files has been
>    removed. This addresses the downgrading problem
>    introduced by the fix for
>    Bug#17823:
>    (Bug#40021:
>  * If the operating system is configured to return leap
>    seconds from OS time calls or if the MySQL server uses a
>    time zone definition that has leap seconds, functions
>    such as NOW() could return a value having a time part
>    that ends with :59:60 or :59:61. If such values are
>    inserted into a table, they would be dumped as is by
>    mysqldump but considered invalid when reloaded, leading
>    to backup/restore problems.
>    Now leap second values are returned with a time part that
>    ends with :59:59. This means that a function such as
>    NOW() can return the same value for two or three
>    consecutive seconds during the leap second. It remains
>    true that literal temporal values having a time part that
>    ends with :59:60 or :59:61 are considered invalid.
>    For additional details about leap-second handling, see
>    Section 9.7.2, "Time Zone Leap Second Support."
>    (Bug#39920:
>  * The server could crash during a sort-order optimization
>    of a dependent subquery.
>    (Bug#39844:
>  * With the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode enabled, the check
>    for non-aggregated columns in queries with aggregate
>    functions, but without a GROUP BY clause was treating all
>    the parts of the query as if they were in the select
>    list. This is fixed by ignoring the non-aggregated
>    columns in the WHERE clause.
>    (Bug#39656:
>  * The server crashed if an integer field in a CSV file did
>    not have delimiting quotes.
>    (Bug#39616:
>    (Bug#39541:
>  * For a TIMESTAMP column in an InnoDB table, testing the
>    column with multiple conditions in the WHERE clause
>    caused a server crash.
>    (Bug#39353:
>  * The server returned a column type of VARBINARY rather
>    than DATE as the result from the COALESCE(), IFNULL(),
>    IF(), GREATEST(), or LEAST() functions or CASE expression
>    if the result was obtained using filesort in an anonymous
>    temporary table during the query execution.
>    (Bug#39283:
>  * References to local variables in stored procedures are
>    replaced with NAME_CONST(name, value) when written to the
>    binary log. However, an "illegal mix of collation" error
>    might occur when executing the log contents if the
>    value's collation differed from that of the variable. Now
>    information about the variable collation is written as
>    well. (Bug#39182:
>  * Some recent releases for Solaris 10 were built on Solaris
>    10 U5, which included a new version of that
>    does not work on U4 or earlier. To correct this, Solaris
>    10 builds now are created on machines that do not have
>    that upgraded, so that they will work on
>    Solaris 10 installations both with and without the
>    upgraded
>    (Bug#39074:
>  * With binary logging enabled CREATE VIEW was subject to
>    possible buffer overwrite and a server crash.
>    (Bug#39040:
>  * Queries of the form SELECT ... REGEXP BINARY NULL could
>    lead to a hung or crashed server.
>    (Bug#39021:
>  * Statements of the form INSERT ... SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE
>    KEY UPDATE col_name = DEFAULT could result in a server
>    crash. (Bug#39002:
>  * Column names constructed due to wild-card expansion done
>    inside a stored procedure could point to freed memory if
>    the expansion was performed after the first call to the
>    stored procedure.
>    (Bug#38823:
>  * Repeated CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statements, where the
>    created table contained an AUTO_INCREMENT column, could
>    lead to an assertion failure.
>    (Bug#38821:
>  * If delayed insert failed to upgrade the lock, it did not
>    free the temporary memory storage used to keep newly
>    constructed BLOB values in memory, resulting in a memory
>    leak. (Bug#38693:
>  * A server crash resulted from concurrent execution of a
>    multiple-table UPDATE that used a NATURAL or USING join
>    for the table being updated.
>    (Bug#38691:
>  * On ActiveState Perl, --start-and-exit
>    started but did not exit.
>    (Bug#38629:
>  * Server-side cursors were not initialized properly, which
>    could cause a server crash.
>    (Bug#38486:
>  * Stored procedures involving substrings could crash the
>    server on certain platforms due to invalid memory reads.
>    (Bug#38469:
>  * A server crash or Valgrind warnings could result when a
>    stored procedure selected from a view that referenced a
>    function. (Bug#38291:
>  * Incorrect handling of aggregate functions when loose
>    index scan was used caused a server crash.
>    (Bug#38195:
>  * Queries containing a subquery with DISTINCT and ORDER BY
>    could cause a server crash.
>    (Bug#38191:
>  * Queries with a HAVING clause could return a spurious row.
>    (Bug#38072:
>  * Use of spatial data types in prepared statements could
>    cause memory leaks or server crashes.
>    (Bug#37956:,
>    Bug#37671:
>  * The server crashed if an argument to a stored procedure
>    was a subquery that returned more than one row.
>    (Bug#37949:
>  * When analyzing the possible index use cases, the server
>    was incorrectly reusing an internal structure, leading to
>    a server crash. (Bug#37943:
>  * A SELECT with a NULL NOT IN condition containing a
>    complex subquery from the same table as in the outer
>    select caused an assertion failure.
>    (Bug#37894:
>  * For InnoDB tables, ORDER BY ... DESC sometimes returned
>    results in ascending order.
>    (Bug#37830:
>  * If a table has a BIT NOT NULL column c1 with a length
>    shorter than 8 bits and some additional NOT NULL columns
>    c2, ..., and a SELECT query has a WHERE clause of the
>    form (c1 = constant) AND c2 ..., the query could return
>    an unexpected result set.
>    (Bug#37799:
>  * Nesting of IF() inside of SUM() could cause an extreme
>    server slowdown. (Bug#37662:
>  * The MONTHNAME() and DAYNAME() functions returned a binary
>    string, so that using LOWER() or UPPER() had no effect.
>    Now MONTHNAME() and DAYNAME() return a value in
>    character_set_connection character set.
>    (Bug#37575:
>  * TIMEDIFF() was erroneously treated as always returning a
>    positive result. Also, CAST() of TIME values to DECIMAL
>    dropped the sign of negative values.
>    (Bug#37553:
>  * mysqlcheck used SHOW FULL TABLES to get the list of
>    tables in a database. For some problems, such as an empty
>    .frm file for a table, this would fail and mysqlcheck
>    then would neglect to check other tables in the database.
>    (Bug#37527:
>  * The <=> operator could return incorrect results when
>    comparing NULL to DATE, TIME, or DATETIME values.
>    (Bug#37526:
>  * Updating a view with a subquery in the CHECK option could
>    cause an assertion failure.
>    (Bug#37460:
>  * Statements that displayed the value of system variables
>    (for example, SHOW VARIABLES) expect variable values to
>    be encoded in character_set_system. However, variables
>    set from the command line such as basedir or datadir were
>    encoded using character_set_filesystem and not converted
>    correctly. (Bug#37339:
>  * For a MyISAM table with CHECKSUM = 1 and ROW_FORMAT =
>    DYNAMIC table options, a data consistency check (maximum
>    record length) could fail and cause the table to be
>    marked as corrupted.
>    (Bug#37310:
>  * The max_length result set metadata value was calculated
>    incorrectly under some circumstances.
>    (Bug#37301:
>  * CREATE INDEX could crash with InnoDB plugin 1.0.1.
>    (Bug#37284:
>  * Certain boolean-mode FULLTEXT searches that used the
>    truncation operator did not return matching records and
>    calculated relevance incorrectly.
>    (Bug#37245:
>  * The NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode was ignored for LOAD
>    DATA INFILE and SELECT INTO ... OUTFILE. The setting is
>    taken into account now.
>    (Bug#37114:
>  * On a 32-bit server built without big tables support, the
>    offset argument in a LIMIT clause might be truncated due
>    to a 64-bit to 32-bit cast.
>    (Bug#37075:
>  * If the server failed to expire binary log files at
>    startup, it could crash.
>    (Bug#37027:
>  * The code for the ut_usectime() function in InnoDB did not
>    handle errors from the gettimeofday() system call. Now it
>    retries gettimeofday() several times and updates the
>    value of the Innodb_row_lock_time_max status variable
>    only if ut_usectime() was successful.
>    (Bug#36819:
>  * Use of CONVERT() with GROUP BY to convert numeric values
>    to CHAR could return truncated results.
>    (Bug#36772:
>  * A query which had an ORDER BY DESC clause that is
>    satisfied with a reverse range scan could cause a server
>    crash for some specific CPU/compiler combinations.
>    (Bug#36639:
>  * Dumping information about locks in use by sending a
>    SIGHUP signal to the server or by invoking the mysqladmin
>    debug command could lead to a server crash in debug
>    builds or to undefined behavior in production builds.
>    (Bug#36579:
>  * The mysql client, when built with Visual Studio 2005, did
>    not display Japanese characters.
>    (Bug#36279:
>  * When the fractional part in a multiplication of DECIMAL
>    values overflowed, the server truncated the first operand
>    rather than the longest. Now the server truncates so as
>    to produce more precise multiplications.
>    (Bug#36270:
>  * A read past the end of the string could occur while
>    parsing the value of the --innodb-data-file-path option.
>    (Bug#36149:
>  * Host name values in SQL statements were not being checked
>    for '@', which is illegal according to RFC952.
>    (Bug#35924:
>  * The UUID() function returned UUIDs with the wrong time;
>    this was because the offset for the time part in UUIDs
>    was miscalculated.
>    (Bug#35848:
>  * SHOW CREATE TABLE did not display a printable value for
>    the default value of BIT columns.
>    (Bug#35796:
>  * mysql_install_db failed on machines that had the host
>    name set to localhost.
>    (Bug#35754:
>  * Dynamic plugins failed to load on i5/OS.
>    (Bug#35743:
>  * Freeing of an internal parser stack during parsing of
>    complex stored programs caused a server crash.
>    (Bug#35577:,
>    Bug#37269:,
>    Bug#37228:
>  * The max_length metadata value was calculated incorrectly
>    for the FORMAT() function, which could cause incorrect
>    result set metadata to be sent to clients.
>    (Bug#35558:
>  * Index scans performed with the sort_union() access method
>    returned wrong results, caused memory to be leaked, and
>    caused temporary files to be deleted when the limit set
>    by sort_buffer_size was reached.
>    (Bug#35477:,
>    Bug#35478:
>  * If the server crashed with an InnoDB error due to
>    unavailability of undo slots, errors could persist during
>    rollback when the server was restarted: There are two
>    UNDO slot caches (for INSERT and UPDATE). If all slots
>    end up in one of the slot caches, a request for a slot
>    from the other slot cache would fail. This can happen if
>    the request is for an UPDATE slot and all slots are in
>    the INSERT slot cache, or vice versa.
>    (Bug#35352:
>  * For InnoDB tables, ALTER TABLE DROP failed if the name of
>    the column to be dropped began with "foreign".
>    (Bug#35220:
>  * perror on Windows did not know about Win32 system error
>    codes. (Bug#34825:
>  * EXPLAIN EXTENDED evaluation of aggregate functions that
>    required a temporary table caused a server crash.
>    (Bug#34773:
>  * Queries of the form SELECT ... WHERE string = ANY(...)
>    failed when the server used a single-byte character set
>    and the client used a multi-byte character set.
>    (Bug#34760:
>    See also Bug#20835:
>  * Using OPTIMIZE TABLE as the first statement on an InnoDB
>    table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column could cause a server
>    crash. (Bug#34286:
>  * mysql_install_db failed if the server was running with an
>    SQL mode of TRADITIONAL. This program now resets the SQL
>    mode internally to avoid this problem.
>    (Bug#34159:
>  * The mysql client incorrectly parsed statements containing
>    the word "delimiter" in mid-statement.
>    This fix is different from the one applied for this bug
>    in MySQL 5.0.66. (Bug#33812:
>    See also Bug#38158:
>  * For a stored procedure containing a SELECT * ... RIGHT
>    JOIN query, execution failed for the second call.
>    (Bug#33811:
>  * Previously, use of index hints with views (which do not
>    have indexes) produced the error ERROR 1221 (HY000):
>    Incorrect usage of USE/IGNORE INDEX and VIEW. Now this
>    produces ERROR 1176 (HY000): Key '...' doesn't exist in
>    table '...', the same error as for base tables without an
>    appropriate index.
>    (Bug#33461:
>  * Cached queries that used 256 or more tables were not
>    properly cached, so that later query invalidation due to
>    a TRUNCATE TABLE for one of the tables caused the server
>    to hang. (Bug#33362:
>  * Some division operations produced a result with incorrect
>    precision. (Bug#31616:
>  * mysql_upgrade attempted to use the /proc file system even
>    on systems that do not have it.
>    (Bug#31605:
>  * mysqldump could fail to dump views containing a large
>    number of columns.
>    (Bug#31434:
>  * Queries executed using join buffering of BIT columns
>    could produce incorrect results.
>    (Bug#31399:
>    TINYTEXT or MEDIUMTEXT columns to a longer text type if
>    necessary when converting the column to a different
>    character set. (Bug#31291:
>  * On NetWare, mysql_install_db could appear to execute
>    normally even if it failed to create the initial
>    databases. (Bug#30129:
>  * The Serbian translation for the
>    ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR error was corrected.
>    (Bug#29738:
>  * XA transaction rollbacks could result in corrupted
>    transaction states and a server crash.
>    (Bug#28323:
>  * On Windows, Visual Studio does not take into account some
>    x86 hardware limitations, which led to incorrect results
>    converting large DOUBLE values to unsigned BIGINT values.
>    (Bug#27483:
>  * SSL support was not included in some "generic" RPM
>    packages. (Bug#26760:
>  * In some cases, the parser interpreted the ; character as
>    the end of input and misinterpreted stored program
>    definitions. (Bug#26030:
>  * The Questions status variable is intended as a count of
>    statements sent by clients to the server, but was also
>    counting statements executed within stored routines.
>    (Bug#24289:
>  * For access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS table, the
>    server did not check the SHOW VIEW and SELECT privileges,
>    leading to inconsistency between output from that table
>    and the SHOW CREATE VIEW statement.
>    (Bug#22763:
>  * The FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement did not produce an error
>    when it failed. (Bug#21226:
>  * A race condition between the mysqld.exe server and the
>    Windows service manager could lead to inability to stop
>    the server from the service manager.
>    (Bug#20430:
>  * mysqld_safe would sometimes fail to remove the pid file
>    for the old mysql process after a crash. As a result, the
>    server would fail to start due to a false A mysqld
>    process already exists... error.
>    (Bug#11122:
> On behalf of the MySQL Build Team at Sun,
> Jörg Brühe
> --
> Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,
> Sun Microsystems GmbH,   Sonnenallee 1,   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
> Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering     Muenchen: HRB161028
> --
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