Thanks, Claudio, but that's not quite it.  I'm not writing any procedure.
I'm inserting code into procedures other people write.  I am taking each
procedure out of the mysql.proc table, inserting a few lines of code right
at the start of the body, and saving back into the proc table.  These lines
of code insert a line into my audit table.  I don't have any control over
what other people write, I just want to record when their procedures get

The genral log logs original calls to procedures, but I don't see that it
records calls made to one procedure from within another.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Claudio Nanni <>wrote:

> Hello Jim,
> If I unserstand well your needs the steps you need to do are:
> Create one user X with insert privileges on the mydb.audit_table
> Create the stored procedure specifying the user X both in the DEFINER
> section and in the SQL_SECURITY section
> of the create procedure statement (
> In this way who calls the stored procedure will have the table written with
> the grants of the original definer X.
> Is it what you are looking for?
> Claudio
> 2009/3/17 Jim Lyons <>
>> I am writing a tracking procedure that will be inserted into every
>> procedure
>> (regardless of who writes the procedure) that will insert a record into an
>> audit table.  This means the procedure, regardless of who writes it, must
>> have the permission to insert into the table.  I am going to modify the
>> code
>> of the procedures once they're stored in the database and the authors of
>> the
>> procedures will probably not know that I will be doing it (although it's
>> not
>> really a secret) and the way they code will not be altered in any way.
>> I would like to write a grant command like:
>> grant insert on mydb.audit_table to public
>> but I don't see anything in the manual Is there any way that I can do
>> this.
>> I know I can grant ALL privileges to a user, but I want to grant one
>> privilege to all users, without having to loop through the mysql.user
>> table
>> and explicitly granting the insert privilege.
>> I guess I could put it in test, but then everyone could do anything with
>> it,
>> which would not be particularly desirable.  The table should be "insert
>> only", not readable or updateable by anyone but the owner of "mydb".
>> Is there any way I can do this?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> --
>> Jim Lyons
>> Web developer / Database administrator

Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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