Hello there guys,

Latelly our database server is going into a very big problem, our current
configuration (is in an attachment file), is having huge load of leak memory
and a variable *innodb_log_file_size *is off cause when i up it the mysqld
doesn't start, our server is having this status(average status)

connected threads = 14
threads in cache = 36
threads executing = 12

with a an average of trafic
sent_bytes = 5M
bytes_recived = 310kB
number of sql queries = 500

Query cache hitrate = 70%

Key efficiency Varies a lot like 0% to 99% in a split second
Qcache average = 35,124

Sometimes all of the threads in cache goes to the connected an begins the
server slowdown and freeze the threads connected jumps to 14-100 in about
5s and then the threads executing jumps to 60-120 at the same time it goes
like a ramp up load.... but the server doesn't comes to normal all threads
stays in mysql and doesn't go away

and our server starts to consume a VERY HUGE load of memory about 8GB-12GB
if i doesn't restart mysqld then the server freeze...

our server is having a big load of users connected about 500 we use moodle
as an application plattaform.

Our server hardware configuration is
2x Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E5450, 2x6MB Cache, 3.0GHz, 1333MHz FSB
8GB 800MHz Memory
2x SAS 73GB 15000RPM in RAID 1

And application server is:

MySql 5.0.45 and our database size is about 9gb (we don't clear mdl_log)
PHP 5.1.6

and we use moodle 1.7.2+

I hope you guys can help \o

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