At 02:53 PM 3/18/2009, you wrote:
We are using the PostgreSQL currently to store the Bayes information.  It
seems to periodically spend a lot of time 'vacumming' which of course
drives up disk load.  The system admin has adjusted it so it only does
this at low load.  I'm curious if anyone has actually tested the
PostgreSQL vs MySQL versions.  We are currently running a uniprocessor
system (Linux version 2.6.18-6-vserver-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-24).

System appears disk limited, we have the files on hardware raid 0 and have
moved nearly everything else off that set (they are the fastest drives).

Just curious.  Thanks.

Bill Mussatto
CyberStrategies, Inc.

When the db is not vacuuming, how is the speed? PostgreSQL is far superior to MySQL for multi-processor CPU's. But if you are sure the CPU level is low, then adding more CPU's is not going to help. When you say you are storing Bayes information, are you referring to Bayes' theorem so you are storing mostly numbers (Doubles?)?

How large are your tables (# of rows, row length & disk space?)

Are the rows being deleted or updated repeatedly? If not, then why do you need vacuuming?


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