I'm quite a distance from the best person to answer this question but MySQL
has weekly webinars and there are a ton of good tutorials on the web.

I started with WAMP (LAMP, MAMP and XAMP are suitable alternatives) and just
started reading tutorials.  Then I went to the local discount store and got
a book about MySQL & PHP.  It wasn't the most recent but it was only a few
dollars and the versions were new enough to not be problematic.

I like Half.com for books.  If you have trouble finding tutorials then leave
a message and I'll comb through my bookmarks and see if I can find some that
I used.

Good luck!

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:00 PM, solarflow99 <solarflo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql.  Not being a DBA, I
> have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the past.
> The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few examples
> of
> commands, etc.  Ideally, something that is suited for system
> administrators,
> not looking to be a DBA.
> Thanks..

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