On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Jarikre Efemena <jefem...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear sir,
> I am young web developer using PHP Script in designing interactive website.
> I desire to include Mysql database on my websites.
> Please, how do I import, upload/export Mysql database to a website server
> after creating a Mysql user account and a particular database on my local
> machine?
> I will be very grateful if comprehensive response is granted to my
> question.
There are a number of books that discuss using PHP and MySQL together.  Most
have both product names in the title.  Just about any one of them will do as
a starting point.

There are also a number of books that discuss LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL +
PHP).  Those would generally also do as a starting point.

Best regards, Dave A.

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