delimiter //
create procedure sample1(in p_item varchar(30),
   in p_size varchar(6),
   in p_quantity decimal(10,3),
   in p_unit varchar(3),
   in p_autoincrement varchar(30),
   out v_mess varchar(50)

declare done int default 0;
declare v_bhqty decimal(10,3);
declare v_bhunit varchar(3);
declare v_blrawm varchar(30);
declare v_blqty decimal(10,3);
declare v_blunit varchar(3);
declare v_puid varchar(30);
declare v_conqty decimal(10,3);
declare v_plid int(3) default 1;
declare v_calqty decimal(10,3);
declare c_bomdet cursor for select bh.qty,bh.unit,bl.rawm,bl.qty,bl.unit
from bomhead bh,bomlins bl
where bl.item=bh.item and bl.szid=bh.szid and bl.item=p_item and
declare continue handler for not found set done=1;
select ppid into v_puid from prplrawm where ppid=(select
concat('pph',max(convert(substr(ppid,4),unsigned integer))) from prpllins);
open c_bomdet;
fetch c_bomdet into v_bhqty,v_bhunit,v_blrawm,v_blqty,v_blunit;
if not done then
call convertion(p_unit,v_bhunit,p_item,p_size,p_quantity,v_conqty);
set v_calqty=v_conqty*v_blqty;
if v_puid is not null then
   set v_mess='max id is exists';

   insert into prplrawm(ppid,plid,item,szid,rawm,rqty,runt)
   set v_plid=v_plid+1;
end if;
end if;
until done end repeat;
close c_bomdet;
delimiter ;

when i call this procedure it is not performing the insert statement even
though the condition is true.

please tell me why.

thank you


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