Hello people,
I do not know if this the right list....I am migrating a very basic application 
from an older mysql version 4.1.9-standard to a new mysql version 5.0.45  
{RedHat default package}. I have migrated DB data from one to the other and all 
data seems to be there including the structure....My problem is that I run a 
query like this :
SELECT x.application_name, y.role_name  FROM application x, role y  JOIN 
logical_app_role_link l  ON x.application_id = l.application_id AND y.role_id = 
l.role_id  WHERE l.logical_id = 15;

It works for the old mysql version but for the new mysql version I receive the 
following error :
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'x.application_id' in 'on clause'

and I am sure that application_id exists in table application.

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