Andrew Braithwaite wrote:
There's no such thing as a generic my.cnf for high performance MySQL
servers, you will need to provide more information..

Well, I was more after something a bit more up to date than my-huge.cnf that I could use as a starting point, I see a few example ones posted to Mysql Forge, but they are very innodb orientated.

Some questions:  Are you going to run InnoDB or MyISAM or both (if both,
what's the split?)

Both, 90% MyISAM

Is there anything else running on that server?  i.e. how much of the
16GB is available for MySQL to use?

It's a dedicated MySQL box

Can you partition your disks as you wish?  (How much data do you need

About 50G of databases - I've currently got 6 disks with RAID 10 running soley /var/lib/mysql (datadir) on an LVM with the binlogs being written to the other 2 disks (which has the OS on them too)

Will this server be a master or slave or standalone? (Do we need to deal
with binlogs here?)

There are 3 in total, 1 master and 2 slaves (one of which is capable of being failed over to as a master)

The current MySQL 4.1 servers that they are replacing have at any one time on average about 1000 open tables, about double the number of selects than inserts, between 2000 and 5000 qps - if thats any use.


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